The Gold Coast Bulletin


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What seems like your most far-fetched idea? What does your heart yearn for? As we approach the Solstice, today’s Venus-Neptune and Mercury-Uranus aspects aren’t the most grounding of influences. In fact, as the Sun reaches the tipping point in its journey across our skies, they’re encouragin­g us to go to extremes. But not all extremes are destructiv­e. Sometimes we must stretch ourselves to make a breakthrou­gh. And sometimes we must tentativel­y sense our way forward to cross a divide. Today’s events can help us do both.


We call it ‘mind over matter’. That moment when we use willpower to achieve the impossible. But sometimes, it doesn’t work in our best interests. Right now, you’ve determined your course and nothing’s going to dislodge you from it. Every niggling doubt has been cast from your mind. Every fact that could contradict your decision has been rejected. Anything that might support a case for a rethink is being ignored. But there’s a reason why things aren’t going to plan. Listen to your heart today. Let the light and power of the Solstice inspire you. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

The Solstice is nearly here. And as a sign ruled by the Sun, this point of the astrologic­al calendar is particular­ly significan­t for you. It’s a moment of reflection and vision - of acknowledg­ing the recent past and striding boldly into the future. It’s also a time for recognisin­g your part as a cog in the most glorious of wheels. If you’re willing, you can gain insight into how everything is connected. You’re an integral part of the machine. And you can begin to understand how to achieve your highest, most brilliant functions. The power of the Solstice can be harnessed right now. Call 1900 959 005.


Some questions are so profound that we can go our whole lives without finding an answer to them. What do we want out of life? What is it about certain people that uplifts us and make us feel more complete than anyone else has ever done? While we’ll never stop asking these questions we need to accept that, in all likelihood, we’ll never find easy answers! Don’t think that you’re suddenly going to discover the answer to a particular problem this week, but you may gain more insight than you expect.

The Solstice brings powerful positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


Your best friend is your best friend because they’re so much like you. They like what you like, and think what you think. That’s why you love them isn’t it? Remember today, all the things about them that you overlook because of that love. They do the same for you. In fact, it’s your difference­s as well as your similariti­es that make you feel so strongly. If there’s a disagreeme­nt today, it’s simply that; no more and no less. Don’t let it be any different to all those other things you choose to ignore. Let it pass. The Solstice can transform your world. Make the most it’s energy. Call 1900 959 005.


You can change your hair, and the way you dress. You can alter how you speak and act in a different manner. So what is it that makes you, you? What is it that others see in you that tells them that it’s you, and not someone else? You are one in a million (well, one in seven billion actually). And there’s more to you than meets the eye. Today, a new part of you starts to shine through. Some will have seen it before, others will be surprised. But everyone will be delighted by the charismati­c air of confidence you’re about to unveil. How will the Solstice transform your life? Call 1900 959 005.


There’s something comforting about routine. Throughout life it’s much easier to stick to what we know - people, places, habits – rather than look for pastures new. It’s OK to be nervous of the unknown. But I’m here to remind you that things don’t stay new for long - once you’ve braved the initial jump you’ll be surprised how quickly you can adjust. So be brave, and explore the new possibilit­y the Solstice brings. You’ll find that a little change makes a big difference. Give it a go - who knows what it will bring?

Capture the powerful energy of the Solstice. Call your indepth forecast now: 1900 959 005.


Some people are so frightened of change that they seem to live in a different century. Dismissive of television­s, distrustfu­l of the internet… they seem content to be thought ‘old-fashioned’. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with their choice. But, most of us feel that the ease of communicat­ion, travel and access to knowledge brought by the informatio­n age, has improved our lives. Change is hovering on your horizon. The more open to it you are, the easier you’ll find it to incorporat­e into your life. The Solstice brings powerful positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


It seems to you that life is like a train journey, and that you can predict exactly where you’ll be three stops from here. But experience should have taught you that it’s more like being in a hot air balloon. Your trajectory is as much to do with random air currents as with your navigation skills. There are forces which, thankfully, are out of your control. Rather than stress over the negative possibilit­ies, why not travel hopefully? If you can adapt to the changing landscape, you’ll will enjoy where things take you. Let the light and power of the Solstice inspire you. Call 1900 959 005.


Good deeds can backfire. Especially when we’re telling someone something they don’t want to hear. It seems simple: this person needs informatio­n you have. Therefore, you’re doing them a favour by telling them. But just because they need this informatio­n doesn’t mean they actually want it. You find yourself if a particular­ly sensitive situation. Your help might be viewed as an imposition. Only you can gauge the risks. Just bear in mind that sometimes it’s best to wait to be asked first. The power of the Solstice can be harnessed right now. Call 1900 959 005.


Your ruler, the Moon, converges with Venus today to amplify her encouragin­g sextile angle with empathetic Neptune. Don’t be surprised if a platonic relationsh­ip suddenly feels as if it might be something more. Nor should you be shocked if you hit upon a cause that stirs your passion. Boundaries aren’t quite as clear as usual. That doesn’t mean you want, or will get, what others have. But it suggests that you share what they feel. So if you want your lot to improve, surround yourself with the right people! Capture the powerful energy of the Solstice. Call your indepth forecast now: 1900 959 005.


In an age when people like to let the world know about the flavour of muffin they’ve ordered with their morning coffee, the art of keeping things under the radar has largely been lost. But not with you. While others are busy shouting, ‘look at me’ you’ve been covertly refining a very particular skill. And, when you’re ready to apply it to a new field, people will be surprised and impressed. Don’t hold back on, or doubt the value of your ingenuity. It’s going to propel you into a whole new, and wholly positive, chapter. The Solstice can transform your world. Make the most it’s energy. Call 1900 959 005.


The mind loves to play tricks on us. Look at how people can freeze in the spotlight. The star of the pub quiz team can struggle to find an answer to the simplest question when under the glare of the TV studio lights, the cameras zooming in, and an audience of millions watching, it’s not surprising that sometimes their brain shuts down. You are facing a similar conundrum now. The answer to a problem is within your grasp, but stress is getting in the way. A calmer approach will make all the difference.

How will the Solstice transform your life? Call 1900 959 005.

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