The Gold Coast Bulletin




No one’s obliged to make a stand. If you don’t really care about the outcome of events, just sit back and go with the flow. But if you are passionate about something then shout about it from your rooftop! Make that protest, write that email; stand up for what you believe in. Whatever you do, don’t tell yourself you have no power to make a difference. If you do nothing, then do so out of choice, not from a sense of false impotence. If you can only seize it, you have a chance to alter events in your favour. July is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

The sky is blue and roses are red. These are facts of course. But, sun shining through rain, and the skilful use of horticultu­ral dyes create rainbows in both the sky and in the colours of flowers. Does this mean that our facts are wrong? No, but it does show that our brains can be limiting. We make sense of the world with concepts to help us navigate through the chaos. But, we often close our minds to a world of possibilit­y and colour. Today, you can go beyond the blue, and find a fresh perspectiv­e.

To help you to maximise the potential July brings, call 1900 959 005.


People in the public eye often claim that they’ve been misquoted or were asked a misleading question. And often, if you review the original interview, it’s clear that the question was phrased to reaffirm the interviewe­r’s preconceiv­ed ideas. We’re all guilty of this. When we make up our minds about something, our questions reflect what we already believe. Be wary of your assumption­s today. Are they clouding your judgement? Speak clearly and fairly, and you’ll get to the truth of the matter.

For your inspiring guide to July, pick up the phone! 1900 959 005.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Isn’t that how the saying goes? Feeling foolish is uncomforta­ble, and makes us wary, and reticent to make our voices heard. Wariness doesn’t usually involve awareness, and our fear of encounteri­ng another negative experience leads us into mistaking new situations for old ones. Pluto’s angle with Mars encourages you to reconsider some of your beliefs. You’re experienci­ng a permeating, uneasy feeling of déja vu. Could it be time to show more trust?

To help you to maximise the potential July brings, call 1900 959 005.


When you enter a dark room, your first thought is to find the light switch. You don’t want to take more than a few cautious steps in the dark. Who knows what dangers lurk? Monsters and childhood fears aside, there’s the possibilit­y that you might trip if you can’t see clearly. Storming forward would be a bad idea. Why then, when you find yourself in a similar scenario, do you want to power onwards? Your eagerness is understand­able, but you have to move gingerly. You’re on a journey of discovery. For your inspiring guide to July, pick up the phone! 1900 959 005.


Is someone out to get you? Does it feel as if you can’t do anything right? Even if this is how life seems, I can assure you that it’s not the cosmos that’s causing you to feel this way. In fact, far from backing you into a corner, it’s encouragin­g you to fight it. With Mars opposing Pluto in your sign to form an exciting T-Square with Jupiter, you have the opportunit­y to take control of a situation, and use it to your advantage. Just try not to fight fire with fire. You’re better off harnessing the heat. July is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.


When the winds of change blow, the only certainty is that change is on its way. But you and I are old enough to know that not all progress is for the better. Changing, for the sake of change, is likely to breed chaos, and the aftermath requires energy to remedy any damage caused. For the new to really improve upon the old, there must be clear and concrete motivation. Your current plans are inspired by both innovation and resolve. So you can put your worry beads away! The winds are blowing in your favour.

For your inspiring guide to July, pick up the phone! 1900 959 005.


There’s nothing more euphoric than discoverin­g, making, or conceptual­ising something for the first time. It could be a scientific breakthrou­gh that will fundamenta­lly change how we view the world, or a smaller, more personal one. Falling in love, for example, is a journey of discovery. It won’t change the world, but it does change our lives forever. Though the person of your dreams may not be waiting right around the corner now, the planets are aligning to create something new and exciting in your world today.

July is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.


The legacy of one of the Coast’s prominent artists is flourishin­g, as these prestigiou­s awards testify


THE d’Arcy Doyle Art Awards are a tribute to one of Australia’s great artists who lived and painted in Mudgeeraba for close to 40 years until his passing in 2001. The awards were establishe­d by Earle Hinschen as a means of helping emerging artists and to keep d’Arcy’s legacy alive. Once again the many entries are packed into the Mudgeeraba Memorial Hall with the exhibition running until this Sunday. Check it out – you’ll like what you see. Here’s a phrase we’ve all heard: ‘Their bark is worse than their bite’. Now, I’ve never heard a fish bark, but I did read about the Fang-Blenny, whose bite has an effect akin to a Class A drug. It strikes and delivers an opioid-like venom which disorienta­tes its foes. Perhaps, sometimes, a defence is most effective when it counters aggression with pleasure rather than pain. If you want things to change the way you need them to today, think of your tongue as honeyed rather than forked.

To help you to maximise the potential July brings, call 1900 959 005.


Every time you think about a delicate situation, more problems jump out at you. It feels as if one tiny difficulty could destroy the entire project. And there are potential pitfalls looming on the horizon. You’re anxious that, by trying to resolve some of the issues, you could create a whole new set of problems. We all worry about the unknown. Projecting our fears can grind us to a standstill. If you can get a grip on your anxiety today, you’ll see that fear need not prevent you seeing a solution.

July is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

Equilibriu­m is the key to happiness. When we have too much to do, we become stressed. And, on a day with too little, we’re lethargic and bored… we feel bogged down with obligation­s, or as if we’re drowning in a lack of purpose. The same is true when areas of our lives are out of kilter. You can’t find your footing if you’re steeped in one part of your life and neglecting another. Following your twin rulers’ opposition in a T-Square formation with Jupiter, now is your chance to get the balance just about right.

To help you to maximise the potential July brings, call 1900 959 005.


We answer to the boss at work. At school, we answer to our peers and teachers. At play, we answer to our friends. Out in the world, we answer to society. No wonder we feel powerless sometimes! When we feel that something’s wrong, but don’t believe we can effect any change in our lives, it’s no surprise that, rather than take action, we wonder forlornly what on earth we can do. But there’s always a choice. You wield more influence than you realise. Use your voice today. You’ll be heard.

For your inspiring guide to July, pick up the phone! 1900 959 005.

 ??  ?? Carly Reid, Anthony Haydock and Sarah Reid.
Carly Reid, Anthony Haydock and Sarah Reid.
 ??  ?? Joanna Frances and Leanne Reilly.
Joanna Frances and Leanne Reilly.
 ??  ?? June Hordern and Avril Dell.
June Hordern and Avril Dell.
 ??  ?? Lily Bissett and Fiona Bissett.
Lily Bissett and Fiona Bissett.
 ??  ??

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