The Gold Coast Bulletin



WRITE TO: P0 Box 1, Southport 4215 EMAIL: FACEBOOK:­ulletin

RECENTLY managed to place my elderly in-laws in a great aged-care facility in Tugun.

Trouble is we live at Palm Meadows, Carrara, meaning we have used the M1 extensivel­y of late. Are our politician­s serious about infrastruc­ture, if so what are they doing about it?

It is a lottery as travel time is a disgrace and inconsiste­nt.

We need an alternativ­e route not an extra lane – that would be a band-aid on a severed leg.

No better going north, been to Noosa three times in the last few weeks and will fly there next time as the travel times also vary wildly.

Bugger the handouts, fix the roads, combustion engine travel will be around for another 50 years, though travel is a misnomer, parking ways will be more like it. BARRY C, GOLD COAST

MANY Australian­s want instant gratificat­ion rather than saving or settling for second best until they can afford better.

I have watched TV game shows where Australian­s of various ages have the opportunit­y to win some significan­t cash prizes.

When asked what they would do with their prizes, virtually every single one has said they would blow it all on holidays.

Not one has said they would pay off their mortgages, loans or debts or save it for a rainy day or use it for a deposit for the Australian dream of owning your own home.

We, as a nation, just continue to live beyond our means, piling on more and more personal and national debts.

We have come to the false belief that “she’ll be right, mate” because the government, especially under Bill Shorten and Labor, will look after us.

That message is constantly espoused by Shorten in every appearance he makes. With that sort of mentality, is it any wonder that Australia’s national debt is now more than $500 billion?

In any case, who in this country really cares? DAVID CHAN

I HAVE to say I have no time for the “sport” of boxing and would like to have thought we had come a long way from the era of gladiators.

However I feel compelled to remark on the fine character of Jeff Horn as revealed in the media.

He appears to be a humble person of outstandin­g character – a schoolteac­her, no less.

And on top of all that, no apparent tattoos.

Hopefully young people will be inspired by this young man. GERALD MOSES

WHAT is it about boxing when there are such divided opinions (GCB, 5/7) as to who wins a fight?

Australia’s most successful boxing trainer Johnny Lewis has come out fighting to agree with the three judges that Jeff Horn won the match fairly and squarely.

Then you have overseas “experts” who say Pacquiao was robbed. Americans have been very vocal against Horn’s victory and it’s ironic that two of the three judges were from the US.

It’s disappoint­ing when a worthy champion is subject to this. KEN JOHNSTON

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