The Gold Coast Bulletin



WRITE TO: P0 Box 1, Southport 4215 EMAIL: FACEBOOK:­ulletin

LAST weekend I turned on the TV to watch the Swans play the Saints. To my dismay, what was supposed to be a night of great AFL footy was awash with Gay Pride colours.

I have absolutely no problem with people choosing how they want to live their lives but I do have a problem with the promoting of this lifestyle and the political baggage this brings.

This is not some innocent rainbow wielding feel-good organisati­on but a far-left political movement with many subversive agendas in their arsenal.


NOEL (GCB, 25/07), never defended smoking and never will!

I totally respect non-smokers space, just sick of the massive tax imposition and stigmatisa­tion of smokers. Pretty soon this legal activity will be banned from any public space but it will still be legal as the draconian tax has become a profit centre for tax-hungry politician­s. By the way, I do not smoke.


I DO hope the Gold Coast City Council doesn’t go ahead with plans to “cull” children’s playground equipment and shade cloth.

My daughter, son-in-law and little daughter came down from Brisbane to spend a few days with his parents who were on holiday in Burleigh. We all went to a playground and little Ella had the time of her life on the great equipment.

My adult son and I were there too and we adults had a great time watching her and the other children enjoying themselves.

Of course Ella was supervised and we had a lovely time. If the plans are due to worries about being sued, please make it that parents/carers are solely responsibl­e for their own children.

Shade cloths are wonderful; I say this as the widow of a man who died from melanoma.

Please don’t be a Scrooge and kill the children’s fun.


APARTMENT buildings choose whether or not to take schoolies in. If they do the bond is five to 10 times higher for them.

If you ban the Schoolies event they will still come but there will be no dedicated zones for them and that will pose a very real risk.

It’s not unlike any night in Surfers except schoolies are in a dedicated and protected zone. Most of the problems occur outside the dedicated zone.

I feel schoolies are being targeted here. Sure you’ll get the odd one causing problems and the police and court can deal with them.

All three of my children attended Schoolies and had a great time.


ANGRY Aussie (Chatroom, 23/7), check your facts before making your comments.

I’m an import without dual citizenshi­p and have been living in this country for some nine years and I am a soldier veteran well over 80 and get my age pension from NZ.

It’s tough but we get by. My wife is disabled and her monthly disabled pension is paid for by the New Zealand government.


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