The Gold Coast Bulletin



Landslide kills 47

NEW DELHI: A huge landslide caused by a cloudburst swept two buses off the road into a gorge in India’s northern Himachal Pradesh state, killing more than 40 people. Rescuers recovered 47 bodies on Sunday before search operations were called off. No other passengers were known to be missing, Krishan Kumar, a public relations officer at the National Disaster Response Force, said. The incident happened in the Mandi district, 431km north of New Delhi on early Sunday morning.

Hitler fan bashed

BERLIN: An inebriated American tourist was beaten up in the German city of Dresden after he repeatedly raised his arm to give the Nazi salute. The 41-year-old American, who was lightly injured in the attack, is now under investigat­ion for violating the law against the use of symbols from banned organisati­ons, Dresden police said in a statement.

The incident happened on Saturday morning as the tourist, who was “strongly under the influence of alcohol”, left a bar in the eastern city’s Neustadt area and repeatedly gave the Hitler salute on the street.

Man fights off bear

MOSCOW: A Russian man has survived a bear attack by fending the animal off with repeated punches. The story of mushroom picker Aleksander Lopakhin, from a village in Russia’s Urals region, resembles the drama of Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar-winning movie The Revenant. The struggle between unarmed Mr Lopakhin and the brown bear left him with multiple injuries.

“I was picking up mushrooms at the edge of the forest when she lashed out and bit me,” he said, adding he had “to fight for his life” before being able to crawl away and get medical help. “Morons exist not only among humans, they are apparently among animals, too,” a defiant Mr Lopakhin said.

Restaurant attack

OUAGADOUGO­U: An attack by gunmen on a Turkish restaurant left at least 17 people dead yesterday in the capital of Burkina Faso, a West African country that has seen a surge in violence by Islamic extremists in recent years.

Gunmen launched the assault on the Aziz Istanbul restaurant in Ouagadougo­u late on Sunday. Several hours later heavy exchanges of gunfire could still be heard.

The attack comes less than two years after Islamic extremists killed 30 people at a restaurant popular with foreigners.

Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. It shares a northern border with Mali, which has long battled Islamic extremists.

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