The Gold Coast Bulletin



THE aged care sector often is characteri­sed by its human touch – such as an empathetic ear, a social visit, or a physiother­apy session – but technology also has a role.

Wearable tech can track heart rates and sleeping patterns so nurses have a better grasp of their client’s situation while sensors and voice-activated technology can monitor clients in their homes.

IBM ageing initiative global research leader Susann Keohane says the current generation of older people is not generally interested in new technology so the focus is to introduce it without interactio­n.

“Most people don’t want cameras in their homes so if you can just have a motion sensor that only detects infrared then that’s very nonintrusi­ve but provides that little heartbeat of a signal so we can track patterns,” she says.

“We can begin to understand behaviours and when people are not behaving normally.

“(With sensors) you begin to understand if maybe they don’t need a visit (from a care provider) or they need two visits in one week.”

Meanwhile, Care Support Network connects older people and people with disability with carers or support providers via an online marketplac­e.

CSN co-founder and chief executive Rob Evers (pictured) says the service is about matching carer attributes with client requiremen­ts.

“For example, we can match people of a particular culture with carers of the same culture who can speak the language and understand the nuances of the culture,” he says.

Evers says the website will ultimately be a network – a one-stop shop for all caring needs – with a mobile app to be launched later this year.

Older Australian­s will not only be able to find providers for different services but chat with each other to share ideas or ask for advice, and to play games with each other.

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