The Gold Coast Bulletin



NOTHING is ever official until it is signed, sealed and delivered. Much consternat­ion at a weekend garden wedding when the celebrant forgot a pen. After much patting of pockets and searching through handbags a replacemen­t was found only for it go dry halfway through the first signature. Finally someone ran back to their car, found a pen and 15 minutes after they said “I do!” they could finally emerge as legally married.

SOMEONE is definitely not on the same page as one of their tenants. The suggestion has been made to this struggling shop owner that his shop needs a make-over and an update. All well and fine but then the suggestion was made that the shop should close before Christmas and extending into the new year for the job. How come the owners don’t know that more business is done in that period than in any other time of the year?

IT STARTED with a decision to clean out her bulging to burst wardrobes. She asked around, found a suitable outlet, paid her $100 fee and set off bright and early for a local market. Her excitement about the money she was going to make was palpable. She lovingly packed up her very expensive branded items, then creatively displayed everything to entice buyers. After three hours there hadn’t been a single sale with most questionin­g the veracity of the labels. “How do we know they aren’t fakes?” was the usual question. The end result after 10 hours of hard yakka was a solitary sale of $20. Never again is her new mantra with everything now being sent to a deserving charity.

PATIENCE is a virtue but there is a limit. Who was the experience­d restaurate­ur who politely did everything in his power to placate a very picky customer? The complaints were endless – this was wrong, that wasn’t right, I didn’t think it would look like this. After the fifth time he snapped and very firmly told her to duck out the door (or something like that) and never come back.

THIS could get interestin­g. Somehow the rental paid for a number of units in a highrise has become common knowledge among those renting the units. A little bit of discrepanc­y is to be expected but what has set the cats among the pigeons is that the amounts charged vary so wildly. So much so that some are suggesting that favouritis­m is at play from the managers, especially considerin­g how much money is involved.

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