The Gold Coast Bulletin



Today, the Moon becomes Full as it aligns with the dreamy planet Neptune. This particular combinatio­n is almost the astrologic­al equivalent of an oxymoron - as the ‘realisatio­n’ of a Full Moon combines with the ‘nebulousne­ss’ of Neptune. But Neptune isn’t just about illusion and fog. It represents vision, transcende­nce and glamour - all of which chime quite well with the Full Moon’s message of fulfilment. And, with Mercury direct again, the mists of the mind finally start to clear. Hopefully we’ll all start feeling a little less oxymoronic!

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‘Eureka!’ moments don’t happen all the time. Which is just as well really, as the streets would be filled with people running naked down the street, emulating Archimedes after his bathtime breakthrou­gh! Often, when we hit upon the solution to a long-running problem, we treat it with suspicion. We assume that it will fail like all the answers we’ve tried before. Even if it does work, we find it hard to let go of the struggle. You may feel as if there’s trouble around the corner. But, a major problem is now behind you.

There’s a Full Moon, and your LATEST Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Yesterday’s forecast almost reads as a warning against gilding the lily. Today, I’d just like to clarify that. No one’s life is so perfect that an embellishm­ent would create something inferior. I think we can agree on that. And, if we agree on something, then we’re heading in the right direction! As the Full Moon arrives, there’s a process of negotiatio­n taking place. You probably won’t get everything your heart desires. But, by avoiding unnecessar­y trappings, you’ll come away with enough to make a difference.

There’s a Full Moon, and your LATEST Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

It’s easy to get so caught up in immediate crises and dramas that long-term plans go out of the window. There’s always something to sort out. The future can wait - we’ll deal with it tomorrow. So, before we know it, we feel as if we’re stumbling through life with no plan or destinatio­n in sight. But everything happens for a reason. Although it might feel as if you’ve been chasing wild geese recently, as Mercury moves forward again, you can begin to see that you have made subtle, but positive advances.

There’s a Full Moon, and your LATEST Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

‘When you play the Game of Life you win or you die. There’s no middle ground’. Oh, sorry, my mistake, I was thinking about Game of Thrones! But then, there’s no middle ground in the Game of Life, either. The losers are those who don’t appreciate the journey. We’re all winners. Just being here is enough to make us all victorious. The things that matter are friendship, love, happiness and joy… and our legacy is the memories we leave behind. An attitude of gratitude will guide your way to success.

For spookily accurate advice, call your LATEST Moonsign forecast: 1900 959 005.


It’s almost as if you’ve arrived at the airport’s check-in desk with enough luggage to ground the plane. There’s so much that you can hardly lift it. The effort of dragging it behind you has tired you out. But, if you’re determined, you can take it with you. And, having got it this far, it will be hard to leave some of it behind. But certain memories are tied up with emotional demands, and they are weighing you down. If you can let some of them go, you’ll find a new sense of freedom. Watch how you can fly!

For spookily accurate advice, call your LATEST Moonsign forecast: 1900 959 005. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20

Why do you need a route when you have a destinatio­n? If you’re crystal clear about what you want to achieve, the way to achieve it will become obvious. Options will appear along the way. The skill is in absorbing new informatio­n and allowing it to inform your decisions. Then you can adapt and adjust, and enjoy the journey. So, if you can try not to plan too carefully, today, when a diversion appears, you will stay focused. The universe is offering you a short cut. You don’t want to miss it!

For spookily accurate advice, call your LATEST Moonsign forecast: 1900 959 005. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 22

They say that if you aim for the moon, you’ll land among the stars. It’s a good mantra to live by - except, when you have such a high standard that a star-landing would be a disappoint­ment. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to achieve the best, and your quest for quality is second to none. But it is tiring. And, it’s when we’re tired that doubts start to creep in. You can’t separate health from success so, take a breather today: doctor’s orders. Even if it’s just five minutes, it’s time to give yourself a pat on the back.

There’s a Full Moon, and your LATEST Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005.


It takes time to grow into who we’re meant to be. Working out who we are is as much about working out who we’re not, what we’re not so good at, and where our passions don’t lie, as much as where they do. The problem is that this can seem like a series of failures, rather than successes. Pablo Picasso painted for years in a very classical, convention­al way before he cast it off in favour of his distinctiv­e and successful style. It takes courage, but it’s worth the effort. What can you let go of in order to move forward?

There’s a Full Moon, and your LATEST Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

Logic isn’t absolute. It might explain why all squares have four sides, but, when it comes to governing people’s actions, it’s much more mysterious. And, when we’re trying to divine the workings behind someone else’s thoughts or deeds, we find it hard to look beyond our own internal system of reasoning. What appears illogical from the outside is justified in someone else’s mind. It may even begin to make sense to us when they explain their reasons. Today, you can begin to see the method in what you thought was madness.

There’s a Full Moon, and your LATEST Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005. CANCER JUN 23 - JUL 23

The Full Moon conjunct Neptune brings a message as its silvery beams radiate on the Earth. We talked yesterday of the excitement generated by Technicolo­r movies, such as The Wizard Of Oz. But as impressive as the colours were, it was the story of Dorothy and her pals that created the phenomenon that broke box-office records and produced a film that holds a place in our hearts even today. The Full Moon’s effects may be enchanting, but listen deeply, and you’ll find they reveal much more than first appears.

For spookily accurate advice, call your LATEST Moonsign forecast: 1900 959 005.


You’re starting to feel as if you’re being rather taken advantage of. You’re a generous person who’s happy to do whatever it takes to help a friend in need, but it’s time to reassess the situation. As the Moon becomes full, and Mercury turns direct, where before there was an obscure demand for your help, now you can see exactly what’s required. You have the vision to decide whether you’re being manipulate­d, or not. And you have the energy to gently, but decisively communicat­e your decision.

For spookily accurate advice, call your LATEST Moonsign forecast: 1900 959 005. PISCES FEB 20 - MAR 20

Your imaginatio­n is one of your assets. The weird and wonderful way your mind works gives you both an artistic and critical advantage. You see doors where others see walls, and windows where they see a mirror. Your unconventi­onal worldview allows you to find solutions that are beyond others. Today, as the Full Moon combines with Neptune, your imaginativ­e faculties are on top form. You’re cooking with gas. This may draw attention that you’re not used to. Don’t hide away. Instead, let your imaginatio­n run free!

For spookily accurate advice, call your LATEST Moonsign forecast: 1900 959 005.

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