The Gold Coast Bulletin



IT’S good to be out and proud but this may be taking it a step too far. Asked to pose for a social pic she agreed but only if the photo showed off the thousands of dollars spent on her new boobs at their very best. With a canyonlike cleavage and the “headlights” fixed on permanent high beam there were deep breaths, arms pressed in to get her new puppies up and out and even some subtle turning before she was happy that she and “they” looked just right. Money well spent? She obviously thinks so.

ANOTHER reason not to leave your mobile phone unattended. Even more so when said phone is registered to place online bids at the Ray White Muscular Dystrophy Ball. One of the guests was happily enjoying the night when he casually looked up and saw his name on the large screen as the top bidder for one of the items. While the cause is a great one and he does like to think of himself as being a generous person, the amount listed was waaay out of his price range. He was about to go and explain the situation to the organisers when luckily his bid was topped. He knows who the culprit was and a swift revenge on the joke’s perpetrato­r is being plotted.

MURPHY’S Law states that what can go wrong, will go wrong. Who is the grand dame cursing her Irish forebears after something worse than spilt milk? She had just finished having new carpet laid when hubby dearest decided he would, shock, horror, help out around the house and oil some of the antique furniture. Yep, you guessed it. The phone rang, he got up to answer it and knocked over the bottle of oil. End result the carpet people are hotfooting it back to La Pile de Moolah to replace the new carpet with more new carpet. Of course she said, “Never mind dear, accidents do happen”, or something along those lines …

THEN there was the precious one who moaned and groaned that the function she was invited to free of charge did not include all the “A-listers” (code for her friends) and, sin of sins, she wasn’t seated near the front where she could pose and pout. Her complaints were heard by the organisers who thought they were doing her a favour and now her card has been stamped NTPA – Never To Party Again. Weirdly, she begged and pleaded to get a ticket and then couldn’t wait to bag everyone involved. How not to win friends and influence people.

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