The Gold Coast Bulletin



WRITE TO: P0 Box 1, Southport 4215 EMAIL: FACEBOOK:­ulletin

MY apartment looks over Queen Street towards the tennis courts. This means that although I live in a built-up area – and enjoy being close to many Southport amenities – I still have the impression of living in the country with trees and open spaces around me such as the tennis courts, Carey Park, and the croquet greens.

As yet I have not been contacted re the suggestion of opening a second casino across the road from me. I would strongly argue against such a building, partly because the Gold Coast already has a casino – and mainly because I do not want to lose the open spaces around where I live.

I AGREE with Robert Orr (Your Views, 11/9) re ocean pools. Almost every beach on Sydney’s northern beaches has an ocean pool and they are all very well used.

The Gold Coast doesn’t have as many headlands as Sydney but there are several where an ocean pool would be fantastic.

This is a great place to live but these would make it even better. SO new laws against defacing historical statues threaten up to seven years in jail along with fines up to $88,000.

Meanwhile, ex-husbands or partners who bash or otherwise deface former partners can get away with only three or four-year sentences and no fines. Then they are released having served only a year or two, then go after these poor women to do it again, or worse.

So it seems ancient statues or other historical memorabili­a have a much more important role in society than the wellbeing of these frightened women.

Will someone please explain how a human life is valued at less than a lump of concrete or stone? POOR Barnaby Joyce, he wants people to “just get out of my face”.

Yet as Agricultur­e Minister, he presides over the egg industry, which routinely slices the tip off hens’ sensitive beaks with a hot blade when they are just days old.

This is in order to discourage the birds from pecking each other or even engaging in cannibalis­m.

Birds raised for their eggs are packed into wire cages so small they don’t have room to spread even one wing.

The industry admits that feather pecking would be avoided if the birds had an adequate substrate: scratch grain, green vegetables and grass cuttings to dig around in.

Even in the “free range” farms, nearly all chicks have been debeaked at hatcheries before they are delivered.

Mr Joyce wants people to get out of his face. He should get the hot blade out of hens’ faces. WITH another shark attack in NSW comes the reminder how safe our it is on Gold Coast beaches.

Nets keep us safe from sharks and swimming between the flags safe from drowning and there’s always swimming pools for those who are not comfortabl­e with that.

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