The Gold Coast Bulletin

Brothel attacks ‘illegals’


A FRUSTRATED brothel operator is calling for Tweed Shire and Gold Coast councils to form a joint taskforce tackling illegal prostituti­on.

Le Penthouse Suite operator, only going by first name John, said it was time authoritie­s did something about “flourishin­g” numbers of massage shops offering extras without brothel licences.

Both councils should join forces and invest in a private investigat­or to determine which shops are offering illegitima­te extras, the Tweed brothel operator said.

He then wants any shops offering “extras” banned from operating for three months and made to apply for brothel licensing, costing an estimated $40,000 a year.

“The State Government and local councils, both Tweed Shire and Gold Coast, need to have a meeting, set up a joint taskforce, hire a private investigat­or to pose as a client and get the evidence,” he said.

“Shut them down for 90 days and make them apply for brothel licences.

“It’s a growing problem and not only that the government is losing a lot of tax over it.”

A year ago the Bulletin visited two massage shops posing as therapeuti­c businesses and was offered extras at both, including an offer of sexual hand relief for $20.

A senior police officer told the Bulletin police had earmarked unregulate­d massage shops several years ago as “flourishin­g industry” but it hadn’t been properly tackled due to, “I probably think a lack of will ... apathy”.

“People just don’t care and there is a total disregard for it, a ‘who cares?’ attitude at many levels of authority,” he said.

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