The Gold Coast Bulletin



“GIVE a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.”

Here’s another saying you might not know.

“Teach a man how to pull worms and he’ll never get ripped off at a bait shop again”.

Chasing whiting over summer is great fun but it can be expensive especially purchasing live worms.

Our beaches are loaded with the best whiting bait you can get: beach worms.

They’re plentiful, unbeatable as bait and free, but pulling them is an art-form.

Like anything it requires practice, and if you put in the hours you will be rewarded.

Go to any of our beaches and swirl a bait bag in the outgoing tide, you will see hundreds of beach worms raise their heads looking for a feed.

Northcliff­e, Broadbeach and Narrowneck beaches are home to thousands of them.

Once a worm has raised it’s head place a pippie next to it.

When they raise out of the sand to eat the pippie slowly make contact with the worm between your thumb and forefinger before tightening your grip and pulling him out before he arches his back.

It’s not as easy as it sounds but it’s a great skill for anglers.

I’ve found kids pick up the skill a lot quicker than adults, though I’m not sure why.

I have been teaching my nippers at my surf club and they love the challenge.

Beach worms eat seaweed, so if there is a lot in the water, don’t even try for them.

The best time to try is the last few hours of an out-going tide on a slowly sloping beach.

Give it a go, and let me know how you fare.

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