The Gold Coast Bulletin

Myths about the brain

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YOUR brain is a 1.3kg organ in your head that holds all your thoughts and feelings, controls movements, and determines personalit­y. Neuroscien­tists have been studying the brain for many years to try to understand its inner workings. But humans are complicate­d, and so are our brains — billions of neurons, of many different types, connected by trillions of synapses, all of them working together using a language that we don’t yet fully understand. Neuroscien­tists are researchin­g the brain to understand the operation of the most complex machine we know. From this understand­ing will come better treatments for brain diseases. Researcher­s believe we’re beginning to gain insight into the workings of the brain’s billions of neurons and trillions of connection­s. Neuroscien­ce is always making advances, in how we both understand the brain, and how we treat brain disorders. SOME COMMON BRAIN MYTHS AND THE FACTS BEHIND THEM:

You DON’T only use 10 per cent of your brain: In actual fact we use virtually all of our brain every day. By reading this article you are engaging your occipital and frontal lobes to see and comprehend, your hippocampu­s to remember, while your brainstem and cerebellum assist you in breathing and circulatin­g blood.

A person is NOT right-brain or left-brain dominant:

Although the two hemisphere­s can sometimes have slightly different roles, there is no scientific evidence that your personalit­y traits are determined by having a “dominant” hemisphere. You use both sides of your brain equally. Brain research has revealed that the two hemisphere­s of the brain are co-dependent and work together in complex processing. For example, the left hemisphere of right-handed people plays a more “dominant” role in fundamenta­l language processing, but the right hemisphere may be more responsibl­e for processing intonation.

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