The Gold Coast Bulletin



ALWAYS a good option at this time of the year – especially after the recent heavy rain – is to target the mighty Mulloway.

More commonly called jewfish, they love rain as they flush crabs, bait-fish and worms to the river mouths where switched on anglers will be waiting with a live bait ready for the subtle tap of the jewfish.

Growing up on the Gold Coast, what I loved most about jew fishing is it was one of the few big fish you can catch in a tinnie and without leaving the seaway, and once you’ve learnt how to catch them they can be relatively simple to target.

There are plenty of spots to catch a jewie but the seaway is as good as anywhere. Jewfish love deep holes – especially if they are holding baitfish.

As jewies are a lazy fish they won’t spend massive energy chasing bait, so if you find a bait school chances are the jewies will be close by.

The end of the northern wall and the seaway pipe line are great spots, so to is the Pin bar and any bridge with water deeper than 6m.

Like many fish the best time to chase jewies is on the tide changes, and your chances will increase exponentia­lly if the tide change coincides with either dusk or dawn.

Yakkas, slimey mackerel or mullet are the best live bait but whiting (legal size) and tailor are good options too.

Jewfish will almost always be on the bottom so you need a decent size sinker to make sure your live bait gets down there.

A good rig is a 12-15kg main line connected to a 2m leader of 45kg leader with a pair of mustard live bait hooks six inches apart.

When hooking the live bait put one through the mouth and the other through the tail allowing the bait to swim free.

The most common mistake novices make is to strike too early when the baitfish first attracts the jewfish. Jewfish don’t bite the bait – they suck it.

So when you feel a tug on your bait don’t strike, instead go to free spool allowing the jew to swallow the bait.

Remember it is illegal to keep jewfish smaller than 75cm, and there is a two-fish bag limit.

Unfortunat­ely if you catch a massive fish they can be full of worms so best to get a photo and release any monsters.

 ??  ?? Leigh Holtsbaum with a big jewie from the the Gold Coast seaway,.
Leigh Holtsbaum with a big jewie from the the Gold Coast seaway,.

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