The Gold Coast Bulletin




What did kids do before the technologi­cal flood of childintox­icating electronic equipment? Surely playing hide and seek, climbing trees, and swinging in the local park can’t have been enough to while away entire childhoods? Seesaws were my favourite. I spent many hours trying to work out the perfect combinatio­n of weights in order to achieve balance. Rather than following your first, technologi­cally-fast assumption, by taking the slower path, you’ll discover a more enjoyable way.

The Full Moon brings priceless news, call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

You’re in problem-solving mode. Your mind is working at mindboggli­ng speed and efficacy. The problem, is deciding which problem to solve! There is, though, a technique that you could easily overlook, and which could render more than one problem insignific­ant. It’s the ability to simply let go. There’s a danger that you’re holding tightly to an expectatio­n of how something will ‘work out for the best’. If you can reshape your anticipati­on of a result, you’ll find that it becomes easy to solve. The Full Moon brings priceless news, call 1900 959 005.


If you haven’t got the latest piece of technology yet, are you less happy than those who have? Is there a correlatio­n between the quality of the gadgets we possess and our quality of life? Of course there isn’t! But it’s not easy to remember that when someone is flaunting their latest purchase. That’s why we sometimes engage in retail therapy! Instead of rushing to the shops this weekend, remember that what’s in your heart counts for much more than any object you can possess.

The Full Moon brings priceless news, call 1900 959 005.


The Full Moon in your sign comes once a year. Usually. Sometimes, in what’s known as a Blue Moon, it appears twice. Although this is not the case for this Full Moon, the fact that it’s not blue, is the only thing that’s routine about it! Arriving on the same weekend that your ruler, Venus, opposes Uranus, it heralds a break from the norm. You’re about to make a breakthrou­gh in your understand­ing of something that’s been puzzling you; and find a way to move into a more rewarding situation.

Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23

It’s even harder to relax than usual at the Full Moon. The cosmic tension between the Sun and the Moon causes us to feel more passionate about events in our lives. But it also creates the potential to find answers to the conundrums we live with, which seem hard to disentangl­e ourselves from. If you start feeling fidgety this weekend, you can concentrat­e your energy into the tasks you feel obliged to fulfil. Then, you’ll find that you have time to focus on what you really want to do.

Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20

People who take risks often get lucky. At least, that’s how it appears. But what kind of luck do they access? Often when we take a gamble, we lose more than we can afford to lose. So, perhaps the folk we see as being ‘lucky’ have lost more than they care to reveal. It’s just that sometimes, the winnings are easier to see than what has been sacrificed. This weekend, you need to work out your priorities. There’s something you want to hold on to at any cost. It’s worth nurturing this.

Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 22

Could it be time to reinstall your inner software? I’ve got a feeling that you feel as if you’re running on a system that’s been superseded by a new, dynamic, has-to-be-seen-to-be-believed, operating system. Of course, you’re far more complex that a state-of-the-art computer. (Although that’s not what the companies behind our gadgets would like us to think!). You’re not outmoded either. Nor do you lack any of the skills you need to make the moves you need to make this weekend.

The Full Moon brings priceless news, call 1900 959 005.


The distinctiv­e riff that shuffles along at the beginning of I Heard It Through The Grapevine is instantly recognisab­le. Legend has it, that when Marvin Gaye was teaching the band the tune, someone played it wrong, and he liked it better. Change is often frustratin­g. No sooner do we feel we’ve reached equilibriu­m, when something knocks us off balance. But what may feel unfortunat­e, can end up being the stroke of luck that leads to a glowing achievemen­t. Remember that this weekend.

The Full Moon brings priceless news, call 1900 959 005. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

There’s no point just sitting on the sofa and waiting for change to happen. Sometimes you need to step forward and initiate it. But sofas are comfy and comforting. We know where we are when we’re settled into familiar cushions, with our feet up. So, if you’re planning a weekend with a box set, don’t be surprised at the lack of surprises! But, while Venus opposes Uranus, and as the Full Moon lights up the sky, don’t be surprised if you find yourself doing something surprising.

The Full Moon brings priceless news, call 1900 959 005. CANCER JUN 23 - JUL 23

It’s worth peeping from behind your curtains at the sky tonight. As the Sun sinks below the horizon in the west, the Moon will appear, in the east, like a golden orb. These awesome planets are opposing each other. That’s what happens at the Full Moon. Since the Moon is your ruling planet, you’re emboldened and invigorate­d by this monthly occurrence. You’re susceptibl­e to that power, and act with more confidence and courage. The important role you play this weekend will be a success.

Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005.


The Full Moon, in your opposite sign this weekend, provides a counterpoi­se to a situation that has felt out of balance. You’ve been pulling in one direction, while someone else seems to be going the opposite way. Although this has felt unbalancin­g, coming events are about to reveal that it has been a helpful exchange of energy. You might not feel as if you’ve got as far as you’d like, but the progress you’ve made has been vital. You’re on your way to a new-found sense of purpose.

Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005.


When The Saints Go Marching In is a jazz tune that’s been appropriat­ed by a football team. I’ve always been baffled by the words. I can think of a thousand things that a saint might do over the weekend, but marching is not one of them! Neither does crowd activity spring to mind when contemplat­ing saintlines­s! The Full Moon’s link with your ruler is challengin­g you to go beyond your establishe­d activities. You might not need to march, but you can garner enthusiasm and score a memorable goal.

Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005.

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