The Gold Coast Bulletin

Fentiman: Parenting program not safe under Libs


LABOR warns the life-changing Triple P parenting program could soon be out of reach for Gold Coast parents if the LNP takes power in Queensland.

Communitie­s Minister Shannon Fentiman said on the Coast yesterday that the Government this year had invested $5.35 million to provide the program free-of-charge to families for another three years.

Ms Fentiman announced the Government would also invest almost $800,000 in an internatio­nally recognised inhome support service for vulnerable children on the Coast.

“These programs will provide an unpreceden­ted level of support for families doing it tough, but Tim Nicholls’ plans for savage cuts to community programs puts that at risk,” she said.

“When Tim Nicholls was Treasurer, he refused to fund Triple P and last week he again confirmed he would cut a swathe through vital services.”

Responding to questions about some programs last week, Mr Nicholls admitted that “when programs are finished, for example, they’re finished”.

The Labor Government has moved to lock in free access to the program for families for a further three years.

Labor candidate for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon said most parents only want what’s best for their children but there were times when raising a family could be challengin­g.

“Whether it is a rebellious teenager or coping with illness, tantrums or bedtimes, Triple P has strategies to help,” Ms Scanlon said.

 ??  ?? Shannon Fentiman.
Shannon Fentiman.

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