The Gold Coast Bulletin

High-price hybrid game


TOP-LEVEL plans are advancing for a historic hybrid game between Australia’s world champion Kangaroos and New Zealand’s allconquer­ing All Blacks.

The New Zealand Rugby Union has already given organisers a month-long window after the November final of the 2019 Rugby Union World Cup for the match, which would likely be played in Tokyo.

Organisers bullishly believe the match could generate $50 million, delivering each team a massive $10 million payday.

That would equate to nearly $600,000 for each player involved in the ambitious one-off extravagan­za.

Australian Rugby League Commission chairman John Grant has been informed of the proposed match, which would pit coaches Mal Meninga and Steve Hansen against one another and attract extraordin­ary commercial interest and television ratings.

Imagine some of the mouth-watering match-ups – Michael Morgan against Beauden Barrett, Josh Dugan trying to contain Sonny Bill Williams, Aaron Smith scheming against Cooper Cronk, Damian McKenzie and Billy Slater attacking from the back, Kieran Read and Samuel Whitelock clashing head on with Wade Graham and Boyd Cordner.

Hybrid Rugby chairman Phil Franks has met with NZRU chief strategy and operations officer, Nigel Cass, in Wellington to discuss the proposal. Franks has also spoken to Grant. Canterbury Crusaders CEO Hamish Riach contacted Franks describing a hybrid game as “intriguing”.

Another hybrid match will be announced within the next few weeks – adding more weight to the proposed Kangaroos-All Blacks game.

Franks and Hybrid director, Wallabies great Mark Ella, plan to visit Japan next month to try and secure funding.

“I had a formal discussion with the New Zealand Rugby Union and they were really interested,” Franks said.

“They stipulated they wanted to see an elite-class game.

“They are the first to give us a window and a time as to when they want to do it.

“That window was two weeks to a month after the 2019 World Cup final in Tokyo (on November 2). We are absolutely confident we can put it together. This game will be worth $50m.

“It will be just as big as the final of the World Cup.”

“The All Blacks and Kangaroos want to see this game. It’s going to be massive.

“We think Japan is the best place for the game.”


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