The Gold Coast Bulletin


This weekend, Scorpio welcomes its annual New Moon. Meanwhile, Mars and Pluto, Scorpio’s twin rulers, form a dynamic square, The scene reminds me of a bucking bronco at a rodeo. Except that this is a rodeo being held in the dark, using experiment­al techni



Are you a big softie? Though this may not fit your self-image, if that’s what people think of you, it’s not a bad persona to have. Because kindness is not weakness. And, no matter how hard you try to be seen as a toughie, you can’t hide your big heart; it makes you the passionate person you are. So today, instead of shielding your vulnerabil­ity, admit to it, and proudly exhibit your compassion­ate side. What’s revealed in your heart will be what the world reflects back at you.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

If any zodiac sign has bags of confidence, it’s Leo. You’re known for your swagger. Yet, you’ve been feeling off-colour recently. Though it’s been hard to express, an increasing feeling of disquiet – dare I say, worry, has been upsetting your sunny dispositio­n. There! The cat is out of the bag! Now that it’s written down in black and white, it loses its power. Just because things haven’t been going exactly to plan doesn’t mean there’s trouble ahead. You’re back on a good footing today.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


It doesn’t always feel like it, but what we need is always close at hand. When we forget this we get into trouble – and it makes it much harder to get what we need! We experience a similar effect when we lose keys. If you think that you’ve left them on the bus, you won’t even look, let alone find them, hiding behind the sofa cushion. Negative thoughts affect us that way. They’re not normally your style – so you can banish them today. Then you’ll find what you seek.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


Though you may not realise it, you’re surrounded by a safety net of supporters. Friends, loved ones, and colleagues are ready to advise you, and bolster your confidence. The trouble is, that you’re so used to being well liked, that you tend to forget that you have such a strong network holding you. So, now that you need a little help, it’s worth rememberin­g the people who can offer you support. If you find the courage to ask for help today, you’ll be amazed by the strong response.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


I’ve love the classic teenager response to frustrated parents, ‘I didn’t ask to be born’. It’s so satisfying­ly adolescent! No one does, of course. We all arrive with a clean slate, not owing anyone anything. As a parent, I owe my son a duty of care, but I don’t expect him to be grateful for it. At least not yet! I mention this because it’s important that resources you’re donating to someone are given willingly. If you can set your frustratio­n aside, gratitude is inevitable… eventually.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


Not all Capricorns are counsellor­s. That profession is made up of people from every zodiac sign. But the planet is packed with non-profession­al people who successful­ly use their natural skills to great effect. You have a remarkable talent for seeing a way through tough issues, and an ability to traverse seemingly impossible terrain. So, you’re admirably qualified to guide someone through a challengin­g time. It’s time to stop doubting. When your advice is called for, share it with pride.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


As your ruler Mercury links encouragin­gly with Mars tomorrow, in your opposite sign, it seems that someone is firing up your creativity. A wonderful melding of emotional drive and ingenuity is being spurred on by the cosmos. It suggests that it’s time for a relationsh­ip - either profession­al or personal - to develop. So light the touchpaper, and put your plans into action. Rarely is anything in life plain sailing. But you’ll be much better off when you’re warming by the fire, rather than alone in the cold.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


If there were such a thing as a degree in miserablen­ess, some people would do rather well. In the university of life, such a qualificat­ion would be commonplac­e. To get an honours, all we need to do is think about a time when we felt unfairly criticised, or let down by someone. That’s enough to create a fault line big enough to bring down our highest defences. Happiness takes a different kind of skill. But, trusting that you’re doing the right thing, on the right course today, should do it.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


History tells us that many of the visionary folk, who saw beyond the world they lived in, were ridiculed for their ideas. Even today, what once seemed a completely crazy idea becomes acceptable – even a part of our daily lives. Mobile phones symbolise this perfectly. So, it’s time for those ideas that you’ve put into the box marked ‘dreams’, to come out for an airing. Do you really care what everybody else thinks? If you still think your plans are viable – it’s time to give them a chance.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


Do you prefer being thought of as a mastermind, or a fool? Most of us lean towards one or the other. But these characteri­stics aren’t easy to discern. The cleverest people can often be the silliest. And it would be silly indeed to think that anyone is incapable of making a wise and unique contributi­on to the world. Today, you’ll be reminded of a plan you recently discarded. If you look carefully, you’ll see that it holds the seed of a valuable idea. The situation has changed.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


We’re approachin­g a New Moon in your sign, and the formation of a tense angle between your rulers, Mars and Pluto. It reminds me of the video game, Mario Kart. Before beginning to play, you have to choose which character you want to be, depending on which attribute you want to have. At the moment, you’re unsure whether you should sacrifice velocity for control. If you base your decision on the course you’re approachin­g, and who else is in the field, you’ll make the right choice.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.


Your inner radar is spot on. You have an internal assessment system that intuitivel­y reads unconsciou­s signals, and gives a clear indication of people’s intentions. It’s awesome! No wonder people turn to you for advice when they’re feeling beguiled, or overwhelme­d with informatio­n. So there’s no point (or need) to imagine that you’ve made a wrong choice recently. You’ve done the right thing at the right time. It’s just going to take a day or two for you to realise that.

During the mysterious Dark of the Moon, insights can be revealed. Call 1900 959 005.

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