The Gold Coast Bulletin



LABOR is expected to win Gaven with Sid Cramp (pictured) ousted by ALP young gun Meaghan Scanlon. Here’s what you said about the Labor swing on the Coast.

Liz Connolly:

It’s a tough one I know but LNP lost me with One Nation. Being a multicultu­ral first generation Aussie I just can’t forget what Pauline Hanson has said previously and can’t believe LNP want to partner with that kind of politics.

Jamie Alexander:

Looks like Sid should have used his time a bit better rather than sitting at the lights on Alexander Drive.

Andrew Moss:

I voted for Meaghan as she walked the streets in Nerang and went from house to house. Sid has never been seen just posts on Facebook on election week.

Michelle Husar:

Best pull your socks up, you have a lake to save, a freeway to build and that's just for starters. As for this preference rubbish, its double dipping, there should be one vote per person, if that person/party didn't get in then

that's it, this preference bs just leads to people doing deals with others which leads to corruption. Get back to how it used to be.

Charlie Stott:

The SSM registrati­on have given the younger voters a voice, and many realised they can make a difference. Maybe the disenfranc­hised are waking up. Quit whining and get with the community socialism bandwagon.

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