The Gold Coast Bulletin




Sometimes things fall effortless­ly into place even when we’re not making an obvious effort to manifest change. Serendipit­y is a powerful thing. It’s not, though, an energy that we can depend on. You can’t just sit back on your laurels and wait for the right thing to happen. And we all go through moments when nothing seems to be working in our favour. But everything can change in the blink of an eye. Work that you put in a long time ago is about to pay off. You’re about to reap some overdue rewards. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return can transform your world. Find out more! Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

We’ve talked recently about the need to pace yourself. Normally, under the influence of the Solstice, you’re geared up and ready to reach out to any passing opportunit­y. But Mercury’s retrograda­tion has meant that some of your plans have been hard to action, and a feeling of frustratio­n is in the air. Even now that it’s moving forwards again, it will take a couple of weeks to get back to where it was. You can use this time to consolidat­e your ideas and gather momentum. Then you’ll be ready for action. The Solstice and Saturn’s return home brings positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


Do you know anyone who believes that life is easy? If you do, it might be worth hanging out with them for an hour or two! Life is meant to be a pleasant experience with more than a passing glimpse of positivity, relaxation and inspiratio­n. Irritation and stress are not meant to be the overriding emotions of our daily lives. What makes matters even harder is that we don’t believe we’re allowed to feel negative feelings – so we blot them out. Thankfully, the stress in your life is about to ease. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return home can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


You’ve been living under a cloud of uncertaint­y about someone (or something) for some time. Now is the time to resolve that issue. Life is just too short for half measures, and murky situations where you don’t know where you stand. As Mercury prepares to turn direct, you need to be fully committed to what you’re doing and where you’re going, and move away from an arrangemen­t that leaves you unsatisfie­d and discombobu­lated. Compromise is no longer on the cards.

The Solstice and Saturn’s return home brings positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


When I did a bungee-jump I thought it would be a thrill. But it taught me the taste of real fear! We all find such different things scary. The idea of ghosts, for example, doesn’t worry me. By their very nature, how can they cause us harm? Unlike the ground beneath a bungee platform, no matter how fast and furious they rush towards us, the worst they can do is to give us a shiver. You needn’t fear closeted skeletons this weekend. Mercury turning direct will put the bounce back in your bungee. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return home can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


There’s an old joke about someone with a headache seeing their doctor. The doctor hits them on the foot with a hammer, saying ‘now at least your head doesn’t feel as bad’! I’m telling you this not because you need to be distracted, but because there’s a reason for you to feel restored. As your ruler settles into your sign, if you can believe you will feel better, in no time at all, things will actually be better. Mercury turning direct this weekend brings a wonderful tonic to any residual ailments. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return can transform your world. Find out more! Call 1900 959 005.


If you notice the page fluttering, or the screen misting up, that’s because you’re exhaling a sigh of relief. Not that Mercury retrograde is always difficult. But there’s usually a palpable release of tension once your interstell­ar stock-take has been completed. And coming hot on the heels of Saturn’s change of signs, there’s a sense that personal relationsh­ips may be the first beneficiar­ies of progress. This weekend, you can start to speak your mind without worrying whether you need to guard your heart. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return home can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


I know this isn’t what you normally expect to read in your forecast, but can I make a personal request? I’d like to borrow your time machine this weekend. Sorry? You don’t have one? Gosh, it’s just that since you’ve been spending so much time talking about, and analysing your past, I just assumed that you had one to hand. But, if that’s not the case, I’d recommend that you focus on a different direction this weekend. The route towards your future looks clear and welcoming. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return can transform your world. Find out more! Call 1900 959 005.


We all know people who are perfection­ists – unhappy unless everything looks ‘just right’. Yet, there’s not a single thing on the planet that if scrutinise­d for long enough, won’t reveal a subtle flaw. Perfection doesn’t exist. The world doesn’t work that way. So, although things are less than ideal in your life at the moment, as Saturn settles into its new home, you’re attaining a degree of idealism that can, if you open-heartedly accept it, enable you to relax and enjoy the festive season. The Solstice and Saturn’s return home brings positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


Breathing. We all do it, all the time – and don’t even notice that we’re doing it. Just as our lungs expand and contract continuall­y, so do our lives. It’s a wonder that we still don’t understand life’s natural rhythmic changes, or understand that even forces such as the tides move in one direction, and then in the other. We tend to relax and enjoy ourselves when things are flowing one way, and then panic when the flow seems to be in the other direction. A welcome tide is changing in your world now.

The Solstice, and Saturn’s return can transform your world. Find out more! Call 1900 959 005.


You’ve been tempted to substitute one problem for another. But, if you overspend to get out of trouble in one area, you’ll be left with a residue of worries about being able to afford what you actually need. And vice versa: if you compromise on what you need, you’ll be left feeling unsatisfie­d. As Mercury turns direct this weekend, you can find a way, using actual available resources, to put right whatever has felt out of sorts. It’s likely you’ll find that you have more to spare than you imagine. The Solstice and Saturn’s return home brings positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


Human beings are easily influenced. We enjoy following other people and being part of the crowd. Even our leaders like being led. Actually, the most extraordin­ary trailblaze­rs are those who can appreciate and make space for the leadership skills of their peers. So who are you following at the moment? Whose advice are you heeding despite the quiet inner voice that’s questionin­g their motivation? This weekend, a scenario arises that would benefit from your expertise. It’s time to voice your opinions. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return home can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.

 ??  ?? The Sun isn’t the only luminary changing trajectory in our skies. Following yesterday’s Solstice, Mercury ends its retrograda­tion this weekend. It’s almost like the Sun’s convergenc­e with reinvigora­ted Saturn gives us the authority to direct the...
The Sun isn’t the only luminary changing trajectory in our skies. Following yesterday’s Solstice, Mercury ends its retrograda­tion this weekend. It’s almost like the Sun’s convergenc­e with reinvigora­ted Saturn gives us the authority to direct the...

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