The Gold Coast Bulletin



IS there anything more frustratin­g than hearing about how incredible the marlin fishing is right now (many claiming our best ever) when despite going on multiple trips you still haven’t caught one?

Add me to the list of frustrated Gold coasters who have to pretend to be happy for the boats that have had multiple hookups when I still haven’t opened my marlin account. I nearly did Christmas Eve. I had a good bite, actually saw it take the lure but it didn’t hold. What could I do differentl­y? What did I do wrong?

It is perfectly logical to ask yourself these questions.

I simply believe sometimes things go your way and sometimes they don’t.

I fished Christmas Eve in 50m of water nearly straight out from Jumpinpin.

Within the first 30 minutes of trolling I saw a marlin free jump, and had a hookup, for the next five hours I had no action whatsoever.

I couldn’t believe it. When I got home I rang my mates who fished the same areas and both had multiple catch and releases as well as some big wahoo.

“Good onya, I am really happy for you,” I lied to them.

So if you’re in the same boat as me and still haven’t caught one, no point doing what I am doing, so instead I have compiled the top five list of things to do from the skippers that have been catching them:

Find the blue water, around Jumpinpin; due to the northerly winds it has been a murky green. Go out winder to the deep blue.

Most successful lures have been 125-200mm skirts.

Troll in 50m of water from Jumpinpin to the water tower on South Stradbroke Island near Couran Cove.

Keep your eyes on birds and troll towards them.

Put in the time and you’ll eventually get rewarded

There are not too many greater feelings for a fisherman than catching your first marlin.

I have caught many now but each one is a memory that will last forever.

 ??  ?? Jason Heller releasing a small black marlin caught offJumpinp­in.
Jason Heller releasing a small black marlin caught offJumpinp­in.

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