The Gold Coast Bulletin


Stepping off a bridge into the water may be tempting in the hot weather but officials are warning people to stop jumping off Jabiru Bridge at Paradise Point.


Matthew Arklay

Wait til one of them gets nailed by one of the giant bull sharks that go up and down that river. That would be my biggest fear.

Brad Bery

Same as Talley Bridge. There are council signs up that says no jumping off the bridge ... if it is a council law then why arent council officers out there issuing tickets to offenders like they do when people have their dogs off the leads in certain parks and beaches?

Danielle Day

Hahahaha how about putting fun things around so kids and people have something to do! Not stupid kids play grounds or an open space, I’m talking like a free wet n wild type thing, some rides!

Michelle Holt

Old enough to jump old enough to know better. Plus how would a boatie feel if one lands on his boat.

Daniel Cupitt

Back in the day, you never heard grumblings about ‘them young folk’

jumping off the Sundale bridge or the ‘Tally’ bridge.

Shane Carter

They’ll ignore it till one of them lands on a boat, log or shallow part, after which it will become a “tragedy” & THEN ppl will take notice.

Laura Balson

Seen this every day over the holidays and kids crossing the busy road to get to the bridge.

Julie Longworth

When they’re in a wheel chair they’ll stop.

 ??  ??

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