The Gold Coast Bulletin

Running the family home is no small achievemen­t


ON a TV show recently the topic was stay at home mums, the inference being low achievemen­t and what they do with their time.

I beg to differ and suggest that those making such statements (they were paid presenters) feel guilt at the selfish attitude they have towards family life.

They relegate this issue to the “back burner” so they can get an income and enjoy their perceived pleasures.

For me, and many SAHMs, I’m up at 6 AM to have a little time with hubby before he goes to work. 7.30 I get the children up (three of them), prepare breakfast and then take them to school. None of this pushing them off to school early so you can get to work yourself, or even leaving them with a neighbour who is probably a SAHM. I’ve had that one happen!

Then I clean up the house, the garden and myself, have lunch, check on my elderly neighbour do the shopping if needed and work on ideas for family activities for the week.

One day a week I do remedial reading at the school for children with challenges. Washing, ironing and sewing for the family are fitted in somewhere. In my spare time I’m studying Italian in preparatio­n for the trip I’ll take when the children are older.

Pick up from school after 3pm and have some time with them until hubby gets home about 4.30 to take over for their sports while I relax before dinner. It’s a full time occupation and I am content seeing our family happy and healthy. We don’t have all the things we would like but we have enough to know that happiness together comes from making the best of what you have.

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