The Gold Coast Bulletin




What are you going to direct your energy towards on Valentine’s Day? Are you focusing on hitting a target, or engaging in a battle from which you hope to emerge victorious? The cosmos indicates that you can sit back, relax and wait for the moment of action to arise. Trust that you will act appropriat­ely. Since you’ve worked hard, and have gained the respect of your peers, your powers of diplomacy are well defined. Set your expectatio­ns for appreciati­on, and that’s what you’ll find.

There’s love in the air on Valentine’s Day. For a personal prediction, call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Even though jazz musicians love to freestyle and go with the flow, they rehearse their improvisat­ions. They work together to construct a strong foundation that provides them with the confidence and skill to be adventurou­sly spontaneou­s. If you’re feeling ill at ease about a situation, and don’t have the time to work it out, you can rely on that one thing that you’re very familiar with. If you go back to basics, you’ll find that you’re able to be adventurou­s and creative this Valentine’s Day.

Romance is in the stars today. For a personal powerful prediction, call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

Some astrologer­s say that Mars in your sign is a reason to be alarmed. They suggest caution, and the need to resist being impulsive or hasty. They see potential for conflict too. But they’re dwelling on the negative. The positive side of the power planet brings the opportunit­y to explore powerful passions and investigat­e longings. Be aware of the consequenc­es of your actions this Valentine’s Day, then follow the strength of your feelings. The energy you’re experienci­ng is trustworth­y and inspiring.

For great news about how the stars will effect your love life this year, call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

Some people rise beyond their physical and mental challenges and create works that touch the lives of millions of people. Beethoven struggled with hearing problems for most of his life and wrote some of his greatest sonatas when he was completely deaf. It’s mind-boggling to imagine how he did it. So the cosmic message is that even if you’re feeling at a disadvanta­ge this Valentine’s Day, just look at what you’ve achieved. When you’re kind and appreciate yourself, others will do the same.

Romance is in the stars today. For a personal powerful prediction, call 1900 959 005.


I used to be quite an accomplish­ed ‘finger-style’ guitarist. The trick to playing in that style is to perform some of the actions almost using only your muscle memory. It requires a strange state of mind. You need to concentrat­e enough to be able to remember what you’re doing, but not so conscious that you start questionin­g how your fingers are moving in the way that they are! This Valentine’s Day don’t question your abilities when you can actually show how amazing you can be!

For great news about how the stars will effect your love life this year, call 1900 959 005. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20

The Greek mathematic­ian Archimedes was struck by a flash of brilliance as he stepped in to his cold bath. As he ran to tell people about his discovery, he was so excited that he forgot to get dressed! The coming Eclipse, linked to Mercury, provides a moment of inspiratio­n for you. It doesn’t need to involve baths (or showers) but it can bring a valuable piece of understand­ing like the missing piece of a jigsaw. Not only that, it can bring emotional support to you this Valentine’s Day too.

There’s love in the air on Valentine’s Day. For a personal prediction, call 1900 959 005. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 22

Happy Valentine’s Day! Did you get my card? No? Good - I didn’t send one! It’s not that I don’t care. It just seems rather odd to carpet-bomb a twelfth of the population with anonymous messages promising love. But just because I haven’t sent you a message doesn’t mean the cosmic postal worker has missed you. Someone is inspiring you to think differentl­y and adventurou­sly about your current situation. With an open mind and heart you can take receipt of a delightful delivery today.

For great news about how the stars will effect your love life this year, call 1900 959 005.


It’s rare so receive a ‘proper’ letter these days. We are inundated with junk mail. But, just because your name’s on the envelope doesn’t mean you must open it. Similarly, you don’t need to respond to your negative thoughts. Step back and you’ll see that, although they cleverly disguise themselves, they are part of a familiar pattern. Ignore them like you ignore junk mail. Today, your in-tray contains something positive. It might not be heart-shaped, but it has kindness and generosity written all over it.

There’s love in the air on Valentine’s Day. For a personal prediction, call 1900 959 005. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

You know those mathematic­al conundrums? If it takes two people two hours to paint a wall, how long will four people take? The problem is that there are so many unknowns. How can you tell if those people will keep working, or take five minutes off to make a cuppa? Suppose someone gets a phone call they need to respond to that ends up taking a while? These things just aren’t straightfo­rward. Your emotions are overcompli­cating a simple situation. This Valentine’s day, think less and feel more.

Romance is in the stars today. For a personal powerful prediction, call 1900 959 005. CANCER JUN 23 - JUL 23

As normal rules go out of the window at an Eclipse, I’ll share a story that I don’t often tell. One afternoon when out walking I saw what looked like a UFO. It was a stationary, round ball of light that suddenly turned and disappeare­d from the sky. Even at the time I knew that it was going to be difficult to explain – and that people would think I was crazy! Nothing quite so strange is on your horizon this Valentine’s Day, but there’s a chance something extraordin­ary will occur. Enjoy rather than fear it.

There’s love in the air on Valentine’s Day. For a personal prediction, call 1900 959 005.


Time has a way of slowing so that sometimes you feel as if you’re caught in something and can’t find your way out. What a relief it is when you extricate yourself. What’s been holding you back is now starting to let you go. You’re beginning to be able to breathe new life into an old enterprise and watch it fill with renewed energy. Once you’ve worked out why you needed to go through this frustratin­g experience, you’ll find that this Valentine’s Day, you can begin to instigate a welcome change.

Romance is in the stars today. For a personal powerful prediction, call 1900 959 005. PISCES FEB 20 - MAR 20

Although you might not always feel that it’s true, being sensitive and gentle is a good thing. It’s good to contemplat­e the effects of your words on others before you take action. Then, we can prevent conflictin­g and offensive situations. But sometimes, such restraint restricts the normal and necessary communicat­ion process. This Valentine’s Day, you have the skill to match your passion with your persuasive powers. If you explain how you feel, you’ll be surprised by how well you’re received.

For great news about how the stars will effect your love life this year, call 1900 959 005.

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