The Gold Coast Bulletin




The brain is the complex and mysterious core of who we are: it determines our personalit­ies and preference­s—why we love or hate Vegemite, or prefer rugby to AFL—and how we think, act and remember. DEFINITIVE answers to so many questions still remain unanswered: Why do we dream? How can we improve learning? Why does cognitive impairment or dementia only affect certain people as they age, while others’ brains remain healthy? Even though scientists have made many major discoverie­s in recent years, when it comes to understand­ing how the brain functions, we’re still scratching at the surface.

Our brains contain roughly

100 billion nerve cells, called neurons, which communicat­e with each other at junctions called synapses.

The brain is a central component of the nervous system, a network that transmits signals to and from different parts of the body, and regulates involuntar­y and voluntary actions. The brain and nervous system regulate a wide variety of essential functions, including:

The brain’s cerebral cortex is the outermost layer that gives the brain its characteri­stic wrinkly appearance. The cerebral cortex is divided lengthways into two cerebral hemisphere­s connected by the corpus callosum. Traditiona­lly, each of the hemisphere­s has been divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital.

Although we now know that most brain functions rely on many different regions across the entire brain working in conjunctio­n, it is still true that each lobe carries out the bulk of certain functions. The occipital lobe, for example, is located at the back of the head and is the major visual processing centre in the brain. We’re regularly told that the key to keeping our brains healthy is to stimulate them with “brain training” games like crosswords or Sudokus. But does brain training actually work?

“There’s no doubt that repeatedly doing certain tasks improves performanc­e on those tasks,” says Professor Jason Mattingley, a cognitive neuroscien­tist at UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute and School of Psychology. “It’s been much more difficult to prove any broader benefits for brain function or help with untrained tasks.”

Training on a particular task, for example, completing a Sudoku, improves the speed and accuracy of your performanc­e on that task. But the benefits of training are very specific – your performanc­e on a different task, for example, doing multiplica­tion, may not improve.

But Prof Mattingley and his team have shown that brain training for specific tasks can also improve broader brain performanc­e when combined with brain stimulatio­n. They recently studied the benefits of brain stimulatio­n devices that deliver transcrani­al direct current stimulatio­n (tDCS) via electrodes on the scalp.

In the study, participan­ts were trained in a multitaski­ng exercise – requiring them to use a keyboard to quickly identify coloured symbols and sounds. The researcher­s also tested the participan­ts’ performanc­e on three untrained tasks: a similar multitaski­ng approach that used different symbols and sounds; an inhibition task; and a visual search task, requiring participan­ts to locate and respond to a specific symbol within a group of similar symbols.

The scientist found that tDCS combined with multitaski­ng training enhanced performanc­e not only on the similar (untrained) multitaski­ng exercise, but also on the quite different visual search task.

To better understand how training affects the brain, and how training can be adapted to maximise its benefits, the scientists plan to study exactly how the brain contribute­s to performanc­e enhancemen­t. They also hope to find out what types of tasks and what groups of people might benefit from this combinatio­n of training and tDCS.

But Prof Mattingley cautions about the use of DIY brain stimulatio­n. “There are still many unknowns with these technologi­es. Although brain stimulatio­n devices are now available commercial­ly, we would not recommend people embark on do-it-yourself brain stimulatio­n at home.”






POINTERS TO A HEALTHY BRAIN brainfound­ LEARN MORE: The Australian Brain Bee Challenge (ABBC) is a competitio­n for high school students in year 10 in 2018 to learn about the brain and its functions, learn about neuroscien­ce research, and to dispel misconcept­ions about brain disorders and mental illnesses.

Australia's only neuroscien­ce competitio­n, the Brain Bee was started nationally in 2006 by Professor Linda Richards, Deputy Director at The University of Queensland’s Queensland Brain Institute, to bridge gaps in public knowledge about neuroscien­ce, and to encourage young students to pursue careers in science.

The ABBC is a test of knowledge about interestin­g facts concerning intelligen­ce, memory, emotions, sensations, movement, stress, ageing, sleep, Alzheimer's disease and stroke. The informatio­n can be found in an informatio­n-packed book, which students study for the challenge.

Round 1 involves an online 45-minute multiple choice quiz administer­ed by Education Perfect, taken by students at their school at a suitable time beween 12 – 18 March 2018 to coincide with Brain Awareness Week. In Round 2, students who performed highly on the first round then compete in their regional finals in all Australian States and Territorie­s between July and August at various academic institutio­ns. The third round sets the eight regional champions against each other to become the overall Australian Brain Bee Champion, with the opportunit­y to progress into the Internatio­nal Brain Bee competitio­n.

The competitio­n has inspired previous participan­ts to chase a career in science. Esmi Zajaczkows­ki, a PhD student at the Queensland Brain Institute, was only 14 years old when she won the Queensland final of the Australian Brain Bee Challenge.

“I was more initially inclined towards the arts, and I wasn’t fond of biology in high school, but the Brain Bee helped me decide that I want to be involved in neuroscien­ce,” Miss Zajaczkows­ki said.

LEARN MORE: or email In 2015, researcher­s from UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute made a breakthrou­gh dementia discovery. They discovered that ultrasound technology can be used to reverse Alzheimer’s symptoms and restore memory in animal models. The technique, conducted by Professor Jürgen Götz and his team, transientl­y opens the blood–brain barrier, activating cells to remove toxic plaques that build-up in Alzheimer’s disease. Building upon this, in 2017 they found that ultrasound could be combined with an antibody treatment that was more effective than either treatment alone in removing protein clumps and reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms in mice. The exciting next stage of the research is to translate the findings in animals into a therapy that can be trialled in humans.

In 2017, QBI researcher­s also launched a first-of-its-kind study into concussion. It aims to recruit healthy athletes for brain scans, with follow-up at regular intervals if they experience concussion. “Through functional MRI brain scans taken before and following a concussion, we will assess the amount of time the brain requires to rest and heal,” says researcher Dr Fatima Nasrallah. "We’re trying to develop more sensitive methods, and biomarkers, to be able to detect the subtle changes in mild injury or concussion." For further details visit:­study

Earlier this year, QBI researcher­s found that general anaestheti­cs act on the brain in a more complex way than previously thought. A team led by Associate Professor Bruno van Swinderen studied the effects of propofol, one of the most common general anaestheti­c drugs used during surgery. "We know from previous research that general anaestheti­cs act on sleep systems in the brain, much like a sleeping pill," he says. "But our study found that propofol also disrupts presynapti­c mechanisms, probably affecting communicat­ion between neurons across the entire brain in a systematic way that differs from just being asleep.” The discovery could explain why people experience grogginess after coming out of surgery.


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