The Gold Coast Bulletin



THE Coast set itself a new gold standard on Saturday with a smart arts celebratio­n that shouted a message to the world – there’s nowhere on earth like our stunning new Home of the Arts.

Perfect people aren’t real and real people aren’t perfect but as HOTA’s one-nightonly Timmy and Tommy Variety Spectacula­r proved, they live together in perfect harmony on the Goldie.

History will recall the first concert at HOTA as a defining moment in our city’s coming of age – a magical night of music and mirth that earned everyone involved a perfect score of 10.

From too-clever-by-half star Tim Minchin and his brilliant band (including The Whitlams Jak Housden) to the good-vibed and grateful for their free ticket crowd of 3372, beaming staff, food and beverage options, parking provisions, clear night sky, BYO chair policy, gorgeous sound, huge video screens, suitably flashy light show and fireworks finale, HOTA is off to a spit-spot start.

As masterful as he is mischievou­s, comedian, composer and pontificat­or Minchin’s performanc­e was everything we’d hoped for – and more.

Musically, the star and his band didn’t miss a beat.

Minchin’s voice is versatile, his range deliciousl­y surprising at times as he twists his tongue and tonsils around Dr Seuss-ly fun and ferocious raps, rants and rhymes, his elocution so exquisite there’s not a mondegreen in earshot.

The set opened with “one you’ve never heard”, If This Plane Goes Down, before a best-of punctuated by comic rants (Trump a recurring target) and wickedly wise words.

F Sharp, Rock n Roll Nerd, Woody Allen Jesus, Prejudice, Cheese, When I Grow Up, Leaving LA, Seeing You and the aptly titled Feels Like Going Home, Minchin’s body of work is as varied – and discerning as his fans.

Which is precisely why he had to play with Tom.

Minchin’s relentless digs at #oldmatetom­tate began with a riff that checked off The Spit, developmen­t, cruise ships and the fact “Old Mate Tommy Tate” would have preferred Pink as the opening act on HOTA’s outdoor stage instead. The touch-ups might have bordered on bullying if the Mayor hadn’t taken them on the chin with such astonishin­g good grace.

Cr Tate won roars and applause when Minchin went in for dig No.999 in the latter half of the show.

“Old Mate Tom Tate ... is he still here or has he gone home,” Minchin teased.

“I’m over here, you d--head,” Cr Tate shouted from the crowd.

Only on the Gold Coast! As our Mayor is keenly aware, making him the butt of a running gag was a gift to the Goldie from Minchin.

Consider it a loud, proud proclamati­on – Tom’s dream is now the people’s asset.

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 ?? Pictures: LEXI SPOONER, LEXIMAGERY ?? Tim Minchin belts out one of his anthems to a packed house (below) at the HOTA opening night.
Pictures: LEXI SPOONER, LEXIMAGERY Tim Minchin belts out one of his anthems to a packed house (below) at the HOTA opening night.
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