The Gold Coast Bulletin



TEXT: 0416 905 148

Re: Steve Smith, I, as much as anyone, am disgusted and disappoint­ed about what happened, and yeah it’s set back Oz cricket for years, but I hope that everyone can get off their soapboxes and cut him some slack. Yes he’s messed up big time, he knows it and he regrets it, we’ve all done stuff we wish we hadn’t. Cricket’s a game, mental health is life, go easy on him

If I had known I could run red lights, do illegal U-turns at lights and not use my indicators I would have applied for a position as a Games courtesy driver. Doug

Teflon Peter will have a Comm Games opening speech – could someone please quickly write him something intelligen­t to say!

I am sure police need to be checked for colour blindness, as I noticed a police vehicle in the vicinity when a vehicle ran a red light. Nothing done about it at all. Must only act when they notice people speeding.

Stage managed Dave Warner couldn’t answer questions, don’t think much of his media advisers. What a debacle no answers just a scripted repeat of the same phrase. Then Oops a Twitter message “I should have said at the beginning I can’t answer questions”. Unbelievab­le!

These are the Commonweal­th Games not the Gold Coast, the Queensland or the Australian Games so stop all this chest thumping and get on with it. Barney

Being of Irish heritage, I find the term ‘Paddywagon’ highly offensive. Could the media etc, please refrain from using this.

I’m confused ... sure the cricketers did wrong and the media are all over it ... but another male gets “coward punched” and virtually nothing from media ... we really have got it wrong. Keps

At some time in our lives we have all been guilty of cheating. At kindergart­en many years ago I cheated in an egg & spoon race. The important thing to remember is Don’t Get Caught! - Sinbad.

Gwen, Sorry to inform you it took Canada almost 15 years to get back in the black after the 1976 Olympic Games. Mike

As long as you can ‘turn on’ the crocodile tears, you will be forgiven!? BS Australia! Rules is Rules, for everyone!

The Gold Coast is only hosting some of the Games. I wanted to see basketball games and learned that they were being

held in Townsville and Cairns. These are Queensland’s Games and the Premier should speak.

The decision made by the CGF not to include our Premier on stage and welcoming the athletes to Queensland is appalling and totally disrespect­ful to her position. It seems to be politicall­y motivated no matter what the CGF say, jobs for the boys, eh. Jillian

Well said GAZ, we need more positive people like you. Go the TITANS

So if you are a wimp, sook, a mumma’s boy and cry, boo hoo hoo, you get off scotfree? What’s happened to being a man, stand up, stiff upper lip and owning up to your cheating ways? Pathetic, soft, bunch of snivelling cheats!

All very good that the guilty cricket players have apologised and shown, through their emotions, that they regret their actions. However, I find it interestin­g that not once did they actually say “I deserve the punishment I have been given”. Surely any sincere ‘apology’ in an admission of guilt would also express an acceptance of deserved punishment, without trying to cry the tears of sorrow, because they were found guilty. B.O.

Our Kookaburra­s deserve respect not given to any other team in any other sport. They have more gold and world championsh­ip medals, Commonweal­th Games medals. You name they have it ... go you good things

What a joke, I would rather see our Premier’s smile any day, Peter’s living in the past, still pushing his own barrow.

If the usual ‘Disneyland’ local magistrate­s hand out weak punishment­s on the multitude of ripped-off naive tourists during the games, our legal system will be the laughing stock of the commonweal­th. Bag snatcher victim, Surfers Paradise

The NRL strict rules enforcemen­t may just be a ruse to make coaches and others realise that the former more relaxed refereeing weren’t so bad after all. If so it’s a very clever plan to shut the wringers up when all returns to normal.

Anyone remember the Council asking us if we minded having ugly bikes just dumped anywhere the Council wanted to?

AND the Logie goes to ...

Went to the Games rehearsal Sat night. What a tremendous effort by all concerned. well done and not a single piece of sandpaper in sight. Doug

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