The Gold Coast Bulletin


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This weekend, as the Sun and Neptune form an encouragin­g relationsh­ip, life will take on an extra shimmer. With Neptune’s strong affect on our imaginatio­n, and the Sun being such a bold, creative influence, it’s a great time to enjoy some painting or poetry, dance or drama. But as I’m currently visiting with friends in New Orleans, I’m particular­ly looking forward to some inspired playing as I enjoy the music of ‘The Big Easy’! This weekend, wherever you are, allow your artistic side to flourish.


This weekend marks a change which will begin so gently that you’ll hardly notice it. There will be a subtle lessening to a sense of insecurity and anxiety. Feeling calmer about a source of irritation is just the start of a process that is set to continue. You’re becoming noticeably more comfortabl­e as a weight you’ve been carrying begins to slip from your shoulders. You’re ready to leave something behind and move ahead into a new paradigm. There’s magic available to you now.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Would Lennon or McCartney have been successful if they’d had separate careers? Would anyone have cared about Snow White if there’d been one dwarf in the cottage? Some things, no matter how good they are on their own, are made greater when combined with others. This weekend, with a few changes, you could fly solo and still go far. But if you want to make the most of the success available to you, it requires a committed investment in, and from, a key partner. That’s what the cosmos encourages.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

Over the course of time, as conditions change our priorities alter. Strategies which once seemed appropriat­e become obsolete and even problemati­c. But I don’t need to tell you this. As a Sagittaria­n you have an intuitive understand­ing of the need to allow life room for movement and expansion. Yet you’re fearful of letting go in an area of your world which seems to be stuck. This weekend, as a change begins to occur, allow it to grow. It might feel challengin­g, but it is for the best.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

When people want to see changes in society they go about it in different ways. They either work at it, campaignin­g and raising issues on social platforms, or they are inspired. Historical­ly it seems that most folk favour the first option. But every so often, an inspiring new way of thinking grows which holds the power to bring about an influentia­l and exciting new way of being. Rather than force someone to understand your point of view, all you have to do is be encouragin­g. That will be enough.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005.


When you actively seek support for the way that you’re feeling you can usually find someone who will confirm your opinions. This works both ways. If you’re secretly lacking in confidence, someone will point out how you could be doing things better. Some folk can’t help but criticise. You may be feeling especially sensitive to other people’s opinions this weekend. So try not to respond to either adoration or to antagonism. When it comes to making judgments, the person with the best view is you. The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005.


We’re all in pursuit of an elusive substance called happiness. But what is it? What do you need to find right now that will enable you to relax, yet which will stimulate you? It’s a hard balance to find, particular­ly because we’re not good at recognisin­g it when we find it! This weekend, as the Sun and Neptune link, you could find yourself in an ideal scenario. Just make sure that you’re not so caught up in what you think it should be that you don’t recognise it when it appears.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005.


It’s not always easy to access the power of imaginatio­n. Lying in a sensitive part of our minds, it’s not something that can be forced. We need to coax it into being by paying it close attention. As the Sun prepares to link to Neptune, your imaginatio­n is offering you insight that your intellect is unable to grasp. But even if you can’t put the feelings and glimpses into your current context, hold onto what you’re discoverin­g. You’re about to be given an exciting way to move your life forward.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005.


Psychics have their work cut out. How can they read anyone’s mind when most of us, most of the time, are in two?! We change our perspectiv­e according to the situation, and keep several options open at the same time. We think we know where we’re heading, but we often discover that we want something else. This weekend, when someone shares their dream with you, be as open minded as you can be. If you follow suit with your own thoughts, you’ll be delightful­ly surprised by developmen­ts.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

Our minds like to complicate things. Even when there is a simple answer, sometimes our imaginatio­ns take flight and we disappear into a world of fantasy where all sorts of potential avenues open up containing all sorts of different possibilit­ies. That same skill can also take us to a place of so much uncertaint­y that fear becomes the dominating force. Creativity and realism work well together. Have faith in your own understand­ing, and you can make a real difference this weekend.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005. CANCER JUN 23 - JUL 23

‘May the 4th be with you!’ Today is internatio­nal Star Wars day! That’s because the date echoes the most memorable phrase from the 1977 space opera. It’s unlikely that the people who worked on the original movie ever envisaged how successful the franchise would be. But when an idea captures our imaginatio­ns it becomes part of the zeitgeist. An idea you’ve nurtured seems too far-fetched to come true. But this weekend, if you nurture it, it can take you further than you dare dream.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005.


Novelists spend time choosing words to create an atmosphere. Artists select the colours for their canvases with the same care. Great singers work with their voices so that they can be sure that they can create the perfect sound. Even those of us who don’t have such gifts can appreciate the creativity and skill of such talented people. We’re moved by their efforts. This weekend brings you the chance to reach out to someone. If you move gracefully and gently, the effect will be surprising­ly beneficial.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005. PISCES FEB 20 - MAR 20

It would be easy to think that electronic equipment is on a mission to take over the world. With the constant beeping of our phones, supermarke­t checkouts and ticket machines, we are forced to follow instructio­ns carefully otherwise we don’t get what we want. Humans, of course, are generally more flexible! As the Sun links to your ruler this weekend, it’s time to lay convention to one side. You don’t need to follow anyone else’s idea of what’s right. Your instincts are heightened. Follow your heart.

The planets are aligning in powerful positions. Maximise their effect. Call 1900 959 005.

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