The Gold Coast Bulletin



SMALL business is the engine room of the Gold Coast economy — more than 63,000 operators employing hundreds of thousands of staff. The growth of those companies is critical to the health of the Queensland and national landscape. Kirstin Payne asks traders from key sectors what they need to ensure the pistons in that engine room pump faster than ever before.


CHEF Daniel Ridgeway is imploring the State Government reconsider its decision to overhaul its backto-work program.

Mr Ridgeway is one of the Gold Coast’s biggest hospitalit­y employers, overseeing 120 staff at his five restaurant­s.

Many of the industry first timers he employs are trained as part of government grant programs. However, that is about to change from June 30.

“There are state and federal grants, like the Qgrant which allow us to employ someone who has been out of work or is unskilled,” Mr Ridgeway said. “It encourages us to hire staff who havn’t had a job before, which means over a period of a few weeks the person can find out if they want to be in the industry, and we can afford to train them.”

Mr Ridgeway said the programs had been so successful he has employed eight staff long term and has another 10 in the program.

“The State funding is going to stop on the Gold Coast, which will be a big hit to the industry,” Mr Ridgeway said.

Mr Ridgeway says more broadly he would like to see a culture of tipping to assist the industry.

“It is the nature of the beast that people in the industry work nights, weekends and holidays but are paid the same amount as someone who works 9-5,” he said. “A little bit here and there won’t pay for wages but will be a small way to say thank you on a Sunday and keep the industry positive.”

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