The Gold Coast Bulletin


I was lucky enough to visit Niagara Falls recently. As I watched the water falling below me, then billowing up high, it was a clear reminder of the incredible power that nature bestows on us. Near the waterfall there are several hydraulic dams that conver

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If no one’s appeared offering you a chance to see into a crystal ball, don’t worry. You’re about to glean a glimpse of how a current drama will work its way through a number of complicate­d scenarios. The dark clouds that you fear are appearing on your horizon are merely projection­s of your worries. With some blue-sky thinking you can find a way to push through your nervousnes­s and find a route towards the sunshine. Picture a reassuring future before you, and you’ll find that’s what lies ahead. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arise at the Solstice! For great news, call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Nightmares are usually dreams in which we feel unable to take action; powerless to move or to speak. When we’re awake though, the opposite can be true. It can be scary to realise that we’re in positions of influence. You’re becoming aware of the effect you can have on a delicate scenario. You’re making an impact and have potential to create far-reaching change. That’s why you’re deliberati­ng. The Solstice indicates that since you’re thinking clearly and conscienti­ously, you’ll make the right decision. Capture the amazing energy of the powerful Solstice. Call 1900 959 005.


Have you ever heard yourself saying that you had no choice? We all utter this kind of thing. But is it true? Was there really no other option? Or do we say this to reassure ourselves and justify the decision we’ve taken? It’s impossible to know the answer! What’s in the past, is in the past. We can all be wise with hindsight. Meanwhile, as we focus on looking back, the present is slipping away. Today’s Grand Trine insists that right now there’s something valuable that you could - and should - be doing. The Solstice and Grand Trine make it an exceptiona­l week. Call 1900 959 005.


Although it may not always be obvious, when we do a good turn, something positive comes back to us. It might not bring the outcome we think, but somehow our good deeds create a cosmic response that brings help and support just when we’re most in need. As you look at a stressful scenario in your world, think about how you can reach out and help someone. There’s no guarantee that you’ll feel the effect of your generosity immediatel­y. But you might! Compassion and kindness always feels good. Capture the amazing energy of the powerful Solstice. Call 1900 959 005.


You have the ability to be your own worst enemy as well as your own best friend. Sometimes you criticise yourself to the point where you’re unable to act, and at other times the encouragem­ent and support you give yourself help you to make a clear path through complicate­d scenarios, and benefit other people as well as you. So why bother being self-critical? Do you need to have someone negative, curbing your clever ideas? No! You’re much better off encouragin­g yourself today. The Solstice and Grand Trine make it an exceptiona­l week. Call 1900 959 005.


We often underestim­ate our ability to deal with challengin­g situations. We get defensive about situations that don’t deserve any anxiety. We criticise ourselves when we’re actually doing more than enough. We find it much easier to reassure other people about their strengths than we do ourselves. It’s hard to compensate for our own nervousnes­s. This Solstice week though, you need to cast criticism aside. Listen instead to someone who’s offering support. Shared wisdom is priceless. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arise at the Solstice! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


As the Sun prepares to leave your sign it brings a gentle reminder that nothing lasts forever. Since forever is incomprehe­nsibly long, only nothing can last as long as that! Yet we all get something out of nothing. What, after all, is life created from if not from nothing? Although the concept of nothingnes­s makes us nervous, something that was once overwhelmi­ng in your life is becoming nothing, and something inconseque­ntial is growing into something. As your ruler enters a Grand Trine, nothing is impossible. The Solstice and Grand Trine make it an exceptiona­l week. Call 1900 959 005.


It feels good to have serendipit­y working in your life. That’s when you find yourself in the right situation at the right time and happy coincidenc­es fall into place. At other times, nothing seems to work out right. The delightful feeling of being ‘in the flow’ depends on our expectatio­ns. When we’re convinced that something needs to be a certain way, we limit the potential and are disappoint­ed when the reality conflicts with our ideal. Relax, and you’ll be in a more fortunate position today. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arise at the Solstice! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


They say that real progress is made when we advance towards what will be rather than when we focus on what we’ve already got. Most of us, though, struggle to look that far into the future. We’re nervous of seeing too far ahead in case we pin our hopes on something that doesn’t come true. As the Grand Trine forms overhead, your powers of prescience are higher than ever. Trust the feeling that you have in your gut. You can sense potential. Strengthen your resolve and keep going. You’re right to trust it. Capture the amazing energy of the powerful Solstice. Call 1900 959 005.


As I was writing your forecast today, I got something around the wrong way and was about to advise you to think about how to turn your reality into a dream. Of course the opposite is true…. Or is it? Since most people would prefer a dream to the reality, why would I suggest that you need to turn something that you want into something that you don’t really like? What you’re aiming for is a reality that matches up to the delight of a dream. Impossible? In Solstice week, it’s not. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arise at the Solstice! For great news, call 1900 959 005.


I love watching ‘road’ movies; stories about people physically setting out on a life journey tend to be warming and inspiring. If you’re in the mood to travel though, they may be detrimenta­l! You can travel across the world in your mind, from the comfort of your sofa! As with films, so with conversati­ons. As Jupiter, in your sign, forms a Grand Trine with Mercury and Neptune, it stimulates your imaginatio­n. The choice is yours. You can disappear into a fantasy or use the inspiratio­n to make a difference. Capture the amazing energy of the powerful Solstice. Call 1900 959 005.


A harmonious Grand Trine between Mercury and your sign’s corulers is helping Neptune’s retrograde journey off to a very good start. It’s a good time to consider your quest for satisfacti­on. Since it’s an elusive entity, we tend to look for it in dreamlike fantasies rather than in the reality of our life. Yet there’s a real chance that if you look within for your inner light now, it will shine and reveal a source of meaning and inspiratio­n in your world. Let your happiness guide you to the right place. The Solstice and Grand Trine make it an exceptiona­l week. Call 1900 959 005.

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