The Gold Coast Bulletin



A DREAMWORLD ride trainer was reprimande­d just seven months before the tragedy which killed four people for not following procedure on the Thunder River Rapids Ride, an inquest heard.

Ride trainer Amy Crisp, who trained Courtney Williams on the morning of the fatal disaster, was sent a warning letter on March 15, 2016.

Ms Crisp now conducts audits on trained ride operators to ensure they are following correct procedures.

“On Saturday 12th March 2016 Amy was the ride operator of the Thunder River Rapids and has (sic) failed to sign the post shutdown check for Rapids. This is a direct breach of the generic ride operator procedure,” the letter read.

Ms Crisp continued to train people to operate the ride after receiving the letter.

The ride trainer had been employed at the park in 2011 and just a year later was promoted to trainer.

Before joining Dreamworld she was a waitress and a Subway sandwich artist.

Two months after the incident she was promoted to a fulltime supervisor.

Ms Crisp said Dreamworld never provided any debrief in the wake of the tragedy and the only people she had spoken to from the theme park about the incident was their legal team.

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