The Gold Coast Bulletin



CHOCOLATE lovers are preparing to delight their tastebuds for the most delicious celebratio­n of the year – World Chocolate Day on Saturday.

This year they can soothe any guilt by referring to cutting-edge research that’s found that eating dark chocolate actually reduces stress and inflammati­on.

The first human trials examining the effect of dark chocolate on cognition and other brain functions were carried out at the Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Centre in the US. It found dark chocolate also improved memory, immunity and mood.

Max Brenner Chocolate Bar outlets will celebrate by launching their Baked Hot Chocolates and in a special promotion, giving away free hot chocolate with them.

Sisters Chloe and Katie Dennison, of Upper Coomera, were given a taste of some of treats during a visit to its chocolate bar at Southport and they wasted no time in tucking in – much to the amusement of grandparen­ts Andy and Jo Chaplin, also of Upper Coomera.

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