The Gold Coast Bulletin



BEING a forgetful type can have positive outcomes. After many a year living in the same apartment our man of the hour decided it was time to upgrade to a more expansive abode. Everything that he had acquired over the years had to be packed into boxes ready for the move. What’s this? An envelope stuffed with cash at the back of the wardrobe. Hang on, there’s another in the kitchen cupboard. It seems over the years he had developed a ritual after work on Friday. Come home, open a bottle of wine and then at about half past unsteady would take most of his pay and hide it. All these years later he discovered many hidden packets amounting to mega thousands of dollars. Here’s cheers to drinking and saving.

HER many friends are wondering why she hasn’t been seen around town at the usual haunts. The reason is simple – she has upped and left the country. Could it have something to do with a lot of unpaid bills? Cleverly it appears she has followed the example of the long gone Christophe­r Skase and ended up in a country which doesn’t have an extraditio­n arrangemen­t in place with good old Oz.

TALK about displaying your ignorance. Who was the supposedly well-connected young woman who asked out loud at a recent party what was all the fuss about some lost Thai boys? It seems her view of the world via social media consists entirely of pictures of chai latte, flattened avocados and of course endless snapshots of her pout. When someone tried to explain how the story had the world riveted she simply looked blank and then turned back to check her likes. #disconnect­ed

THERE is a time and place for everything so maybe this man about town should learn to keep his hands in his pockets when out walking with his current flame. Just because she is wearing a too short skirt that was riding up over the high water mark doesn’t mean you should be seen taking her temperatur­e. We pity the people who shook hands further down the road.

THERE are many reasons for a business to fail but it seems this couple has found a novel way to have the doors shut on them. Everything was in place – lots of customers, plentiful cash flow and a unique product catering to a niche market. The problem? Whatever money was made was going up the noses of themselves and not surprising­ly their numerous new found friends. Aachoo!

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