The Gold Coast Bulletin





You think you know what’s around the next corner because you recognise the route you’re taking. You’ve been in a similar situation before. Yet, the more you continue acting as if you know what’s coming up, the more likely that everything will happen just as you expect. If that’s OK with you, then you know what to do. But if you’d like to try something a little more experiment­al and exciting, you need to change your approach. You have the power to rewrite the next scene of your life.

For your inspiring four-minute guide to the month, call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Experts who help people with the skill of positive thinking often talk about the value of picturing a beneficial outcome. Our attitudes and thoughts have a powerful effect on what happens in our lives. It seems that when your expectatio­n is set towards things going wrong… chances are that you’ll be proved right. If you anticipate a negative response, that’s the response that you’ll often get. Think about the most positive result achievable now and focus on that hope. It will affect your reality.

For your inspiring four-minute guide to the month, call 1900 959 005.


It would make life very dull if all our wishes could come true at the wave of a wand. No one would need to exert any effort. There’d be no point in being determined. Nor, if everything always worked perfectly, would there be any need for meaningful dialogue or compromise. We’d never need to work as a team or negotiate terms and conditions. We’d be able to do everything all by ourselves. Be glad of the challenge you’re facing. It may be hard work, but it holds much potential.

For your inspiring four-minute guide to the month, call 1900 959 005.


Some valuable news is coming your way. But it might not arrive how you expect. You might have to cajole it into revealing itself by initiating conversati­ons with people you don’t normally exchange much informatio­n with. This communicat­ion holds the key to why things aren’t working out quite as you’d thought they would. Once you understand why, you’ll be able to make a subtle change and start making progress once again. You have the skills to find the informatio­n you need.

Your in-depth August monthly forecast contains important news. Call 1900 959 005.


When you find yourself stuck in a challengin­g situation, it’s an opportunit­y to reflect on how you got there. You can look at all the factors that contribute­d and trace the route of the choices you made. In doing this, it’s easy to overlook one important question: was there a part of you that needed to be in this situation? Is there a vital piece of learning that can be gleaned from this particular drama? If you can find that hidden need, you can use it to make an important improvemen­t.

Your in-depth August monthly forecast contains important news. Call 1900 959 005.


Even though we’re keen to be good citizens, what are you supposed to do when you don’t agree with the laws of the land? For most of us, there will be moments when a rule or a regulation is at odds with our own personal beliefs. Even though you’re feeling constraine­d by a restrictio­n which you need to abide by, you can still do a great deal towards changing the limit which has been imposed on you. The good news from the cosmos is that you’re closer to making an important change. Your in-depth August monthly forecast contains important news. Call 1900 959 005.


How important is our choice of clothing on the impression we give other people? If you choose to wear a suit, does that mean that you’re more important than someone dressed in jeans and sneakers? Of course not. On the other hand, if you found yourself trying to assert authority in a tricky social situation, wearing an outfit that confers power might help. Even unconventi­onal freethinke­rs are influenced by appearance­s. Today, though, be wary of judging on first impression­s.

All you need to know about August is in your forecast. Call 1900 959 005.


Each of us and everything that we see is made of stardust. The particles that create the building blocks of matter were present at the birth of the universe. Our actual existence is beyond our ability to understand. Yet we get so easily caught up in the minutiae of our days that we easily overlook the fact that life itself is a miracle. This is a reminder that you’re filled not only with the substance of the universe, but its wisdom too. If you trust in yours today, you’ll be guided to exactly where you need to be. All you need to know about August is in your forecast. Call 1900 959 005.


You’re responding with passion and drama to a series of events and situations. There’s a chance though, that you’re being encouraged into taking greater action than the circumstan­ces actually require. Before you leap into the fray, it’s worth checking your priorities. You don’t want to throw yourself into a project that won’t be changed by your energetic response. The cosmic indication is that a more subtle chain of events is being awoken which will benefit from your attention.

All you need to know about August is in your forecast. Call 1900 959 005.


What are the chances of a miracle? How likely is the possibilit­y of an extraordin­ary developmen­t? Can you realistica­lly hope for a dramatic occurrence that will bring tangible, positive action into your life? Whether you’re feeling enthused by hope, or frustrated by a lack of movement, you’re in the middle of unfinished business. Your story has yet to unfold completely. As you pause, in preparatio­n for a new chapter to begin, a little patience will make a world of difference.

Make August a magical month! Find out how!

Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

When you meet someone who reminds you of yourself, the chances are that you’ll either feel as if you’ve discovered a best friend or a formidable foe. Which one depends on whether they remind you of a good side or a side that you’d prefer not to think about! As we grow, we re-evaluate our personal traits and revise our decisions about who we like and why. It might be worth thinking about whether someone you have strong feelings about is mirroring a part of your personalit­y. Then you can take action. Make August a magical month! Find out how!

Call 1900 959 005.


Sometimes we feel the fear and allow it to affect our behaviour. We spend our time worrying so much about all the different possibilit­ies that could go wrong, that we lose precious hours wrapped in anxiety. Being able to enjoy life is our most precious gift. If we lose that, we cut ourselves off from the joy. As Jupiter and Neptune maintain such a healthy connection, they bring many reasons to celebrate your life. The good news, is that your enjoyment looks as if it can continue unimpaired.

Make August a magical month! Find out how!

Call 1900 959 005.

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