The Gold Coast Bulletin



SOMETIMES you can just be plain unlucky. One of our many Don Draper types has been busily making a pitch for a lovely young thing he met while out on the town. Nothing at all wrong with girl meets older man but here comes the twist. Unfortunat­ely for him the lady in question just happens to work for one of his business rivals and she of course has spread the news around the office with the speed of a presidenti­al tweet. It gets unluckier because the persistent pursuer just happens to be truly, deeply married and it is only a matter of time before his wife finds out about his playing away from home.

WHAT a laugh! He who goes for a long run each morning was sprung climbing out of a window of well-known-widdawoman’s fancy mansion. It seems our boy slipped and fell head long into a rose bush as he was exiting stage left after completing his sunrise assignment. The commotion and swearing as he disentangl­ed himself from the thorns happened to catch the ear of the nextdoor neighbour who thought he was a burglar until she spotted who it was and worked out what was up. By the time he had limped away she had managed to speed dial her friends, as a community announceme­nt, about the comings and goings of the running Romeo.

IT usually helps when you are in charge of a big enterprise that you have some idea about your organisati­on and the people who work tirelessly to make it a success. Not so for this senior executive who had great difficulty recalling the names of the most highprofil­e people in the business. The embarrassi­ng part was that the people in question were mere steps away while the umming and aahing over who is who in the zoo played out. Maybe a little less lunching and more walking around the joint and engaging with the people doing the work may be in order.

HE is known to be blessed with the sensitivit­y of a charging bull but his rudeness and lack of appreciati­on for others may have dented his progress. He bowled up and interrupte­d a private discussion between two of our business heavyweigh­ts. Not content with stopping the chat he then turned the entire conversati­on around to what he was doing, how important he was etc etc. Little did he know that the two were actually discussing his future and whether he would be a good fit for a high-ranking position. Guess who is no longer on the short list?

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