The Gold Coast Bulletin




Some parents gasp in horror at the mere idea of their kids eating something that has fallen to the floor. They’re worried about the germs. Others stick to the ‘five seconds’ rule – as long as the food is speedily picked up, it won’t be too dirty for consumptio­n. When you think of all the wonderful vegetables that grow in the soil, we seem to have a confused sense of what’s clean and what’s not! It can be hard to tell what’s OK and what’s not. What you feel like objecting to might turn out to be perfectly fine.

For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Even though there may be millions of other Leos reading this forecast, it’s written for you. I know that scientific­ally, that may not seem possible. Yet, from a more ethereal and spiritual viewpoint, it’s a true statement. Like the best magic, it works on a different plane to mere logic. So, you can take this message to heart – it’s absolutely addressed to you. You need to know that you’re about to receive an important opportunit­y to improve your life. Don’t miss a chance because you think it’s for someone else. For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


With so many exams and tests for children, it’s a wonder they haven’t figured out a way to test pre-natal intelligen­ce. Then, we could have screens ready for new-born babies to begin the task of learning, without wasting valuable time. Aargh! That’s a nightmare scenario! Actually, none of us know why we’re here or what we’re supposed to learn. Although you’re putting yourself under pressure to find an answer now, it’s actually a question that you’re looking for. You can find it today.

For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


I wonder how you’re progressin­g with your latest secret attempt to take control of the planet? Are you still struggling to cajole everyone to follow your orders, and finding yourself in situations that just won’t do what you want them to do? Of course you are! That’s how life is! Nothing ever goes completely as we want it to go. Dare I suggest that you think for a moment about how much you really need to do to make something happen? There’s a chance that things will be OK, even without your involvemen­t. For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Someone in your immediate circle of friends and acquaintan­ces is playing devil’s advocate. It doesn’t matter what you say, they’re arguing the point. This is a role that you’re familiar with. You often feel as if there’s another point of view that needs to be voiced in order to balance a discussion and ensure that everyone’s ideas are taken into considerat­ion. But just because you understand the position they’re taking doesn’t mean that you need to heed what they’re saying. Don’t give in to pressure today. For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


How much do you need what you’ve got? Or rather, how much of what you’ve got do you really need? If you can ever manage to get your head around an answer to the above, you can move on to contemplat­ing what’s available to you now. An invitation has been extended. It’s just that you’ve been so caught up working out a coping strategy that it’s almost passed by unnoticed. Seize it while you can. Even the most successful folk don’t always immediatel­y recognise something that they need. For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


How are your mind-reading skills? Have you been swotting up on different psychologi­cal behavioura­l patterns? If not, how on earth are you ever going to discern how someone else is feeling about the sensitive matter you’re both being forced to deal with? And, without such an understand­ing, how can you be certain that the decision you’re on the point of making won’t cause more distress? Actually, you do have all the informatio­n you need to make your choice. Be guided by your intuition too. For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


My son loves stories of princes and swords, knights in shining armour and fire-breathing dragons. We all grew up with magical stories that grew out of ancient myths and legends and have been passed down through generation­s. We all know how those tales are supposed to end too. No wonder that we’re so surprised when situations in our lives don’t end up being ‘happy ever after’. Just because the informatio­n you’re seeking isn’t obvious, you don’t need magic to find it. Just perseveran­ce. For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Even though you’ve let go of a burden recently, a feeling of needing to do your duty seems to be hanging over you and affecting your ability to respond to a positive gesture. You feel as if there’s something you should be doing. As if there are tasks that only you can carry out, and promises that need to be fulfilled. It’s clear that you’ve had far too much on your plate… and not enough time to make a bold declaratio­n. Although there’s a commitment you must keep, there are others that you can drop. For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


If you want to measure your intelligen­ce, or check out your personalit­y type, just go online and you’ll be bombarded with different tests. Bookshops too, are full of similar guides. You won’t come across a way to test your level of sanity so easily, though. Why? Probably because there’s no sure-fire way of being able to judge. What might seem insane to you might be perfectly normal to me. And vice versa! Don’t let anyone’s judgment influence a recent decision. You’re thinking is innovative, not wrong.

For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

If you were a reader of ancient texts you’d know that long, long ago, life expectancy was much longer than it is today. According to the Bible, some people lived for hundreds of years. It’s hard to imagine living that long. What would their eyesight be like without glasses, and how would they have chewed without dental work? Joy isn’t found in the length of our lives, but in the love and inspiratio­n that we experience and share. Today, you have an opportunit­y to make a choice that will have a lasting effect.

For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


When it comes to relationsh­ips we seem to forget that it’s not getting into them that’s hard, it’s getting out of them, when they’ve passed their sell-by date. That’s why so many of them carry on and on even when the people in them are unhappy. This is true for all relationsh­ips, not just the romantic kind. You, though, need to think before trying to inspire a situation that has run out of energy, because sometimes it’s worth putting in the effort. Are you ready for success? Best to prepare yourself then! For an in-depth, personal forecast which could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.

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