The Gold Coast Bulletin




It’s not just you who has been going through a lot recently; the people around you seem to be under a fair amount of stress. Even though it feels as if your own challenges have passed their peak, there’s tension in the air. No wonder folk are coming to you to share their worries… they know that you’ll be able to empathise with their edginess. Their plight is, rather helpfully, reminding you of the follow-on effect of stress, and reinforcin­g your desire to find a happy way out of a sticky situation. You can begin that today. September brings the Equinox! For your light-shedding month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Everyone has days when they wonder why they bothered to get out of bed. They always seem to arrive during times of tension. Your current mood has taken you by surprise because life seems to be treating you rather well. So, suddenly feeling overwhelme­d is very discombobu­lating, to say the least. We gauge our sense of wellbeing from how we’re feeling. So when we feel off colour, we feel negative about everything. Yet this is just a temporary blip. You can ride out this storm with ease. September brings the Equinox! For your hope-giving month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


You seem to fly in the face of the norm when it comes to challenges. Rather than finding difficulti­es daunting, you’re more troubled by the lack of them. You enjoy crises and function well under stress. If there’s an occasion to rise to, you’ll be heads above everyone else. It’s when an event brings a subtle opportunit­y (rather than a drama) that you’re challenged. As Jupiter and Saturn link today, the task being set is for you to follow the simplest and easiest route. Try the path of least resistance today. September brings the Equinox! For your worry-quashing month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


Some folk are so resistant to caffeine that they can consume it, as a bedtime drink, without it affecting their sleepiness. Imagine how action-packed their dreams must be! It’s part of the human survival instinct to develop immunity to a repeated stimulus. We do the same thing with tension – after a while we hardly notice it’s there. Yet it erodes our sense of wellbeing and gradually changes our relationsh­ip to the world. As Saturn and Jupiter link, despite your concerns, you’re free to make an important choice. September brings the Equinox! For your hope-giving month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


Since this is your birthday season, it’s worth rememberin­g that even though you’re not as young as you were, you’re not as old as you fear! You’ve been through your share of tough times and come out the other side with a depth of experience that you share generously. You can cope with tricky situations, which would have overwhelme­d you in the past. You have the ability to transform a current source of tension into a genuine prospect that will improve the life of those around you. Seize it! September brings the Equinox! For your worry-quashing month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


When arriving on the planet, are we armed with a list of the problems we need to be concerned with? Do toddlers use their ‘to do’ lists to excuse themselves from playing with friends? We learn to find ways to avoid situations. And, as we watch other people coping with stress, we learn to mirror their responses. Kids see responsibi­lity and hassle as the prerogativ­e of grownups. Yet, what’s the point in growing older if you don’t grow wiser? Let go of your worries today.

September brings the Equinox! For your light-shedding month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


As Saturn and Jupiter link today they bring to the fore issues around power dynamics. Don’t be surprised to find yourself sticking your shoulders back and flexing your muscles. Like the Grand Old Duke of York, we can all find ourselves in situations where we’re preparing for a battle – intently organising our supporters, rather than engaging in the fray. Likewise, you’re skirting up and down, around and about an issue that needs to be dealt with. Find the courage to face your fear, and victory will be easy.

September brings the Equinox! For your worry-quashing month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


All shall be well… eventually. Before then, though, there might be a drama to circumnavi­gate. You might also find yourself facing a communicat­ion challenge, a financial disagreeme­nt or some creative questionin­g. So nothing unusual there then! Actually, what you’re experienci­ng isn’t out of the ordinary. Just because it’s disguised as a new kind of upheaval doesn’t mean that you don’t know what to do. You’ll save yourself a lot of time if you decide that there’s nothing to worry about. September brings the Equinox! For your light-shedding month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


Do you have a question on your mind that you desperatel­y need an answer to? Are you caught between a rock and a hard place? Or plagued with doubts and uncertaint­ies? Perfect! That’s just how you should be feeling with Jupiter and Saturn’s alignment today! You’re on a route that is taking you around some hairpin bends and up some steep inclines. The good news, is that it is also taking you towards the destinatio­n you’ve long wanted to reach. Hang on in there. It’s not far away. September brings the Equinox! For your hope-giving month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


Some folk have a knack for taking a difficult job and making it look straightfo­rward. Others turn the simplest tasks into overcompli­cated ordeals. Depending on your mood, you’re capable of both of these extremes. As Saturn and Jupiter link, they call you to question the reason for your current level of confusion. Are you baffled by too many questions? Or, have your problems reached a new level of complexity? Find a new way to proceed and you can sort almost everything out today. September brings the Equinox! For your light-shedding month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

It’s both intriguing and exasperati­ng when each day brings a new level of understand­ing. How can you ever be sure about where you stand when the boundaries are always shifting? As soon as you think you’ve found out what you need to know, something else pops up and you have to start all over again. That would be OK if you weren’t being pressurise­d into making a decision. Yet, you’re about to make a discovery which will enable you to emerge from a state of tension, and find clarity. September brings the Equinox! For your hope-giving month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.


Of course you know your friends and they know you. You like them and they like you back. That’s the basic building block for meaningful, nourishing social connection­s isn’t it? So it comes as a shock when we discover that we don’t know someone as well as we thought we did. It is equally upsetting when you realise that you’ve been misunderst­ood by someone who you thought knew you well. As Jupiter and Saturn link today, the tension around a key relationsh­ip is providing you with priceless learning. September brings the Equinox! For your worry-quashing month ahead forecast, call 1900 959 005.

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