The Gold Coast Bulletin



IF you’re looking for an easy herb to grow, parsley is the answer.

Nursery owner Paola Thomson said parsley wasn’t hard to grow, making it a great choice for new gardeners. “It’s really easy,” she said. “You must water it of course and every now and again you can give it some liquid fertiliser.”

The popular herb is frequently used as a garnish but can also be used in sauces, soups, stews and salads.

It has long had a reputation as a cure for bad breath.

Ms Thomson said parsley could struggle in hot weather so it needed to be grown in a slightly shady spot.

“It’s important not to plant it too deep,” she said.

“If you plant it too deep it won’t come up.

“Parsley also takes a bit longer to grow.

“Basil will come up in four to five days but parsley will take much longer.”

Ms Thomson said growing herbs was a great learning experience for children.

“It’s fantastic when they grow it from a seed and see the whole process,” she said.

Grow together with the Gold Coast Bulletin’s My Little Seed Garden until September 9. Collect all 15 seed-growing kits with the Gold Coast Bulletin and The Sunday Mail for just $2.50 with your purchase of the paper.

Don’t miss tomorrow’s coriander.

 ?? Picture: LACHIE MILLARD ?? Stephanie Walker and her son Harry with some of their homegrown parsley and seedlings.
Picture: LACHIE MILLARD Stephanie Walker and her son Harry with some of their homegrown parsley and seedlings.

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