The Gold Coast Bulletin

Deficit on right path

Treasurer basks in decade-low number as tax take increases


THE Federal Government has delivered the smallest budget deficit in a decade, on the back of a bigger tax take and growing economy.

The deficit in 2017-18 was $10.1 billion, or 0.6 per cent of gross domestic product, according to the final budget outcome released yesterday. That’s a $19.3 billion improvemen­t on the deficit originally estimated for the period.

Stronger-than-expected economic growth and more Australian­s in work contribute­d to the impressive improvemen­t, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says.

The amount of money coming in was $13.4 billion higher than expected, while total spending was $6.9 billion less than forecast, with the Future Fund earnings up $1.1 billion in net terms.

“That’s the result of a strong economy,” Mr Frydenberg said yesterday. “We are seeing more people in jobs than ever before, and that’s more senior Australian­s, more women, more younger people.

“We are seeing across the economy good growth, and in 17-18 that’s been reflected in these better numbers.”

Superannua­tion fund taxes and higher fuel and tobacco excise receipts also boosted the coffers.

Real economic growth in 2017-18 was 2.9 per cent, slightly stronger than the forecast growth of about 2.75 forecast.

Mr Frydenberg said the results meant the Government was on track with its plan to bring the budget back to balance in 2019-20.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen said the deficit was almost four times worse than forecast in the Coalition Government’s first budget and the Treasurer had given up on offsetting new spending.

“We’ve seen this story before with the Howard-Costello government baking in unaffordab­le, permanent income tax cuts and tax concession­s and middle-class welfare into the budget, only for that to be unwound,” Mr Bowen said.

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