The Gold Coast Bulletin



IF you were to be in the ladies restroom at a big social function on the weekend you may have seen moi and a young woman emerging from a cubicle together. Now before your mind goes wandering down dark alleys there is a logical explanatio­n. The young lady in question had purchased a new gown which featured layer upon layer of tulle and netting. While it looked gorgeous it had one major design flaw – it was impossible to ‘sit’ in a cubicle. She asked for help – could the gown be held up in the air while she went about her business? So there we were, total strangers, crammed in together, with little ol’ moi doing her best to look away while nature took its course. And you think it is all glamour-plus out there on the party circuit.

SPEAKING of big gowns who was the sweet young thing who managed to be christened by a spilt tray of champagne on Saturday night? She was saturated through her mega dollar gown down to her lace undies and literally blowing bubbles. There is only so much you can do with hand towels to sop up the damage so this Cinderella went home well before the clock struck midnight and is now hopeful that the gown can be salvaged.

BY definition a charity event is designed to allow people to part with some cash, come along and have a good time while money is raised for a good cause. Simples! So maybe this demanding diva needs to re-read that definition. After complainin­g loud and long about last year’s affair she bought tickets again and then sent off an email with some lastminute requests to the main organiser about an hour before this year’s kick off. Up to her ears in things to do the organiser did not check her emails. Did the diva understand? Nope! Spotting her across the room she raced up and began demanding to know why she hadn’t received a reply. After the tirade had finished the complainer was politely told that she would not be welcome ever again. Have a nice day.

GOLDILOCKS is alive and well. Looking to find some shriek juice to speed up the party she asked a waiter what brands were available and was told that for this function there was a choice of two champagnes. For our heroine one was too cheap, one was too expensive and neither was just right. What to do? Drink a little less of the expensive brand but not have a high old time or be seen sipping something way beneath her station? A first world problem of the highest order.

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