The Gold Coast Bulletin



GOLD COAST BULLETIN Tuesday Sept 26, 2006

TWO more deaths were added to the Gold Coast’s soaring road toll.

Hours after doctors turned off the life support of a teenager who crashed at Currumbin ten days earlier, a truck driver was killed while two bystanders escaped without a scratch in an horrific accident at Jacobs Well.

The two latest fatalities, which came only a day after a man was hit by a car and killed at Mermaid Beach, took the regional road toll to 32.

Police said 24 people were killed during all of 2005.

The local roads region took in the Gold Coast, Canungra and Mount Tamborine.

A 64-year-old Labrador man became the latest victim when he lost control of his semi-trailer on PimpamaJac­obs Well Road.

Two men in the front yard of a Pimpama property came perilously close to also joining the list as the out-of-control truck hurtled past within 2m of them.

The men, who were fixing a car, dived for cover before the truck eventually came to rest a few metres away. The driver died at the scene.

A shaken Kevin Power admitted he was lucky to be alive.

“My Fairlane wouldn’t start so I called the mechanic,” he said.

“We were both working on the car when we heard the skids up on the road, and then we saw the truck, which was already over on its side, charging through the trees and into the yard,” he said.

“If we had been a couple of metres further over we would have been gone for sure.”

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