The Gold Coast Bulletin

Union leads fight as Labor blames Yuhu


THE State Government is resigned to 900 tradies staying off the biggest constructi­on site on the Gold Coast until developer Yuhu makes up its mind about new designs.

Minister for Housing and Public Works Mick de Brenni yesterday declined to answer when asked how he would help tradies get back on the tools at the $1.4 billion Jewel site in Surfers Paradise.

“Work has stopped on the site because Yuhu made a decision to pause work,” Mr de Brenni said last night.

“It’s clear from the Yuhu Group’s statement made on Wednesday that once they identify a new hotel operator, and new fitout requiremen­ts are determined, work will recommence.”

The Bulletin contacted Federal Minister for Industrial Relations Kelly O’Dwyer, whose portfolio covers striking workers, but she did not respond.

Tradies dropped tools at Jewel last Thursday after Yuhu scrapped elements of the designs. It meant the loss of jobs for 100 workers.

Unions gave Yuhu and builder Multiplex a week to provide clarity but left a meeting on Wednesday disappoint­ed and decided to strike.

Hundreds of workers turned out yesterday at the stalled constructi­on site for a protest driven by the Constructi­on, Forestry Mining, Maritime and Energy Union, which donated more than $115,000 to Mr de Brenni’s ALP before last year’s election.

In a passionate address to the large crowd, CFMEU Queensland/NT secretary Michael Ravbar said “we are going into battle”, but told workers not to expect a quick conclusion.

Mr Ravbar called out developer Yuhu Group, saying it was only concerned about its “corporate image”.

Mr Ravbar did not believe Yuhu’s claim that only Australian workers would be subcontrac­ted during the retenderin­g process. He said he had never experience­d anything like what was playing out.

“I’ve been around for a while and when people want to start retenderin­g on the job two-thirds of the way through it ... I’ve never gone through this scenario before,” he said.

Yesterday at the Jewel site, union flags flew and large signs were displayed, making it clear how workers felt about the uncertaint­y.

“YooHoo Tom Tate tell ya mate I gotta put food on my kid’s plate,” one protesting worker had on a placard.

Other messages said: “Yuhu if this is how you treat your major partner and Aussie worker hoo-roo Yuhu”; and “Yuhu can hide outta sight while someone flies their life but we will stand n fight to be treated right”.

 ?? Picture: SALLY COATES ?? Workers concerned about their future join a union protest at the Jewel site yesterday.
Picture: SALLY COATES Workers concerned about their future join a union protest at the Jewel site yesterday.
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