The Gold Coast Bulletin

Cormann’s challenge


SENIOR Minister Mathias Cormann has dared Labor to move a vote of no confidence to try to turf the government from power, as the Nationals have blown up at one of their own with the potential to bring them down.

As the Opposition pressured the Coalition over its diminishin­g control on the Parliament, the National Party clashed behind closed doors over NSW MP Kevin Hogan.

The MP joined the crossbench after Malcolm Turnbull was knifed as Prime Minister, but remains a member of the National Party.

In a “fiery” meeting, Barnaby Joyce took aim at Mr Hogan and his circumstan­ces.

There are not enough crossbench­ers for the government to be removed in a no-confidence vote, unless Mr Hogan takes the final step and leaves the National Party.

His outburst, just days after speculatio­n he could try to reclaim the leadership, was seen by MPs as an implicit criticism of Michael McCormack’s inability to control the party.

Mr McCormack insisted Mr Hogan’s move had not weakened the government because he had promised to only vote with the Coalition.

But even Senate leader Mathias Cormann was unable to clarify yesterday how Mr Hogan was classified.

Meanwhile it was revealed Prime Minister Scott Morrison has yet to reach out to the crossbench and has no verbal or written assurances of confidence and supply from them.

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