The Gold Coast Bulletin

Driven to despair by taxis’ lack of care and compassion


ON Friday afternoon I was returning home after some minor medical procedures in the Oasis Centre Broadbeach with a bag of grocery items and was twice refused by drivers of sedan taxis who insisted I take one of the maxitaxis ahead of them on the rank.

I tried to explain that I use a walking stick and that it’s difficult for me to do that, but they still refused and made out they were going on a call and drove off.

I then saw other empty sedans approach the area and drive away. After twice reporting to the cab office, one civil young driver in a sedan obliged.

I’d been delayed about 25 minutes and was feeling a bit fragile as the local injections at the surgery started to wear off.

I’m convinced the two drivers who refused to take me were hanging out for airport fares while they know I’m only a short fare.

I am a retired octogenari­an Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card holder for a disability and cope OK normally. I regularly visit my doctor in the Oasis. However, it is a bit much with taxis watching the rear-view and driving off as I slowly near the rank.

The rank was shifted about 100m from the Oasis entry in Victoria Ave because motor fumes were said to be a problem for the new open-window hotel restaurant. And now service vehicles come and go from there while folk like me have to walk an extra 100m carrying our shopping. The taxi rank could easily have been closer if just shifted to the parking bays on the opposite side of Victoria Ave.

I’m told the matter is being checked out by the cab company, but some help from the GCCC and local politician­s would be appreciate­d as I have complained on previous occasions without any improvemen­t.

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