The Gold Coast Bulletin





I’m sorry to put you on the spot, but I wonder if you have a licence for the body which you’re currently inhabiting? Do you have evidence that it belongs to you? Can you prove that you’re not an alien being who has taken up residence in this physical shape, having cleverly managed to adopt the mannerisms of the person who was born into this complex mass of atoms? Be on the look out for ludicrous suggestion­s today. And don’t, whatever you do, waste time on someone else’s silly ideas. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

As the Moon grows full, are you feeling safe and protected, or vulnerable and aware of what could go wrong? You’re right to think that something needs to change. But what do you need to do? Well, the first thing is to stop feeling so anxious. Nothing is going to improve if you’re caught up in worrying. So you can stop! Then, you need to focus on practicali­ties. There’s something that needs doing that you’ll enjoy once you’ve started. Then, if you stick to your plan, your sense of wellbeing can vastly improve. Your latest Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1900 959 005.


We tend to think that physical health is the zenith of wellbeing. As long as we have no broken bones, unsightly spots, or nasty rashes, all is well. So sometimes we fail to protect ourselves from other people’s criticisms and we can fritter our mental health away, making space for stress and anxiety, without stopping to consider the cost. We let other people’s careless comments affect our self-esteem. Don’t be influenced by someone’s negativity today. The only person who knows what’s right for you… is you! The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 1900 959 005.


Astrology is the opposite of accepting the future as an inevitabil­ity. Horoscopes aren’t created so that they can show you what’s going to happen, no matter what. Astrologer­s have a lot in common with weather forecaster­s! We predict what’s going to happen so that you can be prepared. If I say that it’s going to rain today, it doesn’t mean you’re going to get soaking wet… but you might be advised to take an umbrella. The growing Full Moon brings an unexpected developmen­t which you can neverthele­ss enjoy. Your latest Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1900 959 005.


You’re currently in the middle of an experience known as a ‘map moment’. It occurs when you’ve been preparing a journey for some time. You’ve researched the route, made enquiries about scenic attraction­s you may decide to take detours to see, and armed yourself with all the info you might need along the way. Now, you’re on the move. As the scenery flashes by, it all looks very different to how you’d imagined. The coming Full Moon is a sign that it will all soon start to make perfect sense. The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 1900 959 005.


Recently, someone told me that the mysteries of life are contained in a series of ancient scrolls tucked away in a cave deep in the Himalayas. Apparently, they tell the tales of everyone who ever was, is, or ever will be. They contain knowledge of all our secrets before we know them ourselves. What do they say about you? Ah, that’s a secret that no one can ever know. What they definitely don’t say, though, is ‘this person doesn’t merit happiness’. Don’t deny yourself the joy you deserve today. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005.


When something critically important goes wrong, it’s hard not to feel as if life is problemati­cal. We can feel so downhearte­d by an upsetting situation that we lose our ability to appreciate the good things that come our way. Then, if we’re not careful, we’re lost in a sense of hopelessne­ss and helplessne­ss. As the Full Moon grows full, it emphasises the biggest issue in your world and suggests that with a small amount of effort, a shift can begin. A significan­t improvemen­t is possible. It’s up to you.

The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 1900 959 005.


he problem with having talents is that we’re born with them. And, because they’re normal to us, it’s easy to forget how precious they are. Looking around, we see that no one else possesses our unique gifts… yet, somehow, we’re still not convinced of their worth. Perhaps it’s because we’re modest. But modesty requires recognitio­n. More likely, we forget to be grateful for our personalis­ed blessings from the cosmos. It’s just possible that you (and only you) have the skills to effect a much-needed change. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005.


Everyone knows that if you ask a silly question, you’ll get a silly answer. Yet sometimes it’s hard to resist the temptation to ask a ridiculous question anyway. When we’re incredulou­s about someone’s arguments, or overwhelme­d by informatio­n, it’s easy to believe that just a little more knowledge will give us the key to understand­ing something baffling. Yet, the coming Full Moon is a reminder that sometimes, it’s best to allow answers time to unfold. Rather than pushing a point, focus on other matters today. Your latest Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1900 959 005.


Instinct is a powerful tool. Some people know how to use it so well that they use it to make all their decisions. They follow their hunches and trust their intuition. This sometimes leads them to great achievemen­ts, and at other times, lands them in deep difficulty. Meanwhile, other folk think everything through logically. They follow their intellect: a method which also has a mixed rate of success. The coming Full Moon brings one of those rare moments in which your heart and your head find harmony. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

As the Sun’s move into your sign is empowered by the growing Full Moon, there’s a suggestion that you’re being challenged by someone (or something) that means a great deal to you. Your passionate nature is being encouraged at the same time as your perspectiv­e is being influenced. What should you do? Rather than responding to a drama, just be willing to watch and learn. This will quickly pass and you’ll be in a much better position to act with greater wisdom. Bide your time today.

Your latest Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1900 959 005.


Your inner radar system is finely honed. It’s as if you have multiplex screens in your mind which enable you to view life with spectacula­rly good vision. Most of us have a screen that covers long distance, and one that focuses on the immediate future. But you have one that covers mid-range too. It gives you an uncanny ability to understand what’s happening around you. On days like today, when it’s being energised by the approachin­g Full Moon, it might be wise to switch it off and regard the other two. The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 1900 959 005.

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