The Gold Coast Bulletin


- TEXT: 0416 905 148

Sandwiches at GC hospitals instead of nutritious hot meals ... this must be some kind of April fools joke. We are a wealthy first world country for goodness sake!

I was reading in yesterday’s

Bulletin about the lack of food in the clinical decisions unit at the Robina hospital. I had that experience last week when I was there for 2 days and never offered anything to eat or drink. I am elderly, my blood sugar levels had dropped to 3 and I’m not a diabetic so the nurse got me an apple juice. Then I asked her for a sandwich after 24 hours. I asked for another sandwich the next day so I had 2 sandwiches in 2 days. Disgusted patient.

GC Health up to its tricks again, anything to save a dollar. So the patients and the nurses become the meat in the sandwich

Floods in Queensland – I’m sure that those ancient Incas and Mayans would be laughing at us today. They knew how to preserve and control water – so many years ago – unlike our silly politician­s and engineers today!

The average prime time ad on TV is worth $112,000. Based on the onslaught that Clive Palmer is sending our way, if he just gave up one day of advertisin­g he could actually donate around 3 million to the poor souls in Townsville. Come on Clive, do something decent for a change. AL

LS, can you mention how you cured yourself of MS. I have had it for over 20 years and am getting sicker and sicker. Thank you, Simon.

Jane, you say we need to stand by the side of Leyton Hewitt in his battle against Bernard Tomic. Forget the emotions and what we think about either person, we have a complaint about bullying and harassment and Tennis Australia, like any other workplace, has a duty of care, and must investigat­e it. Their respective records on the tenis court are irrelevant. HR

Another great article by Keith Woods – “Vets Aust Day”. Very thought provoking … Hope all our politician­s read it carefully … everyone should learn from this article … thank U Keith. AB

To the oxygen in a can seller, listening to you on Hot Tomato, you cannot even explain your own product, 95% oxygen what’s the other 5%? Crystal Curves

Thankyou Dr KL. Only surgeon needed to remove appendix obviously. MS is a matter of finding the cause and killing/detoxing it. Mercury from

amalgams in my case. DIY job after that. Took 2 years. As I said previously, neither doctors nor scripts necessary. LS

Council needs a serious wake-up, another highrise approved at Main Beach, 85 bedrooms, 67 car spaces. Seems to happen all the time. Number of units and not the same number of car parks. Most units would have one if not two (or more) cars. Extras park on street compoundin­g parking problems. No room for visitors to park to enjoy our beaches. If we are a tourism destinatio­n then parking should be available and it should be free. Sometimes think light rail is approved solely for planning/ height restrictio­ns to be relaxed. Palm Beach good example – highrises approved above height limit because you can build higher if within 500/1000m of tram tracks. Stinks!

Andrew Bolt, you forgot to mention that the LNP made up their own panel of men to investigat­e bulling of females. No surprise of the findings there.

The Federal Government offered the Queensland Government money to build dams but our Premier wanted money for Cross River Rail putting the city in front of the country people again. Rocket

Shareholde­rs of the big banks who don’t advocate a changeout of accountabl­e executives could be seen to be condoning unethical business practices. The claim of an existing executive to be the right person to drive change is flawed. Fresh legs are needed for that.

Great publicity for Liam Neeson’s new movie. I’m going to see it today. No such thing as bad publicity. Fred

Can’t wait to see the greenies trolling out and about the Great Barrier Reef next week, complainin­g how the dirty flood water from up north has killed the coral. It’s almost a given and an automatic response, just like our politician­s, never let a disaster be far from a photo opportunit­y. Cynical? You bet. GT

The Fed LNP gov spends $80 million on a royal commission into unions and people go to jail. The Fed LNP gov has a royal commission into the church, has anyone gone to jail yet? Not that I’m aware of. The Fed LNP gov has a royal commission into the banks. Will anyone at the top go to jail? I’ll be surprised. It makes me feel ashamed to live in a land where justice is a game and the rich are winning.

With our country devasted by ice and pills, it might be time to legalise marijuana, it works overseas and I am yet to see a agro pot smoker.

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