The Gold Coast Bulletin


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Life would be more challengin­g if we didn’t have individual preference­s. We have our personal likes and dislikes to thank for the fact that we’re not totally swamped by choice. There are so many different foods to choose between. So many TV channels. What about the huge variety of clothes? Our preference­s keep us afloat in a sea of possibilit­ies and allow us to make the critical decisions necessary to make progress. This weekend, the cosmos is energising you with the vision to choose the best. Don’t miss your spookily accurate Moon sign forecast! Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Is this where you ought to be? Are you on the right path? And, if so, are you heading in the right direction? How can you know? Whose advice should you trust? One person’s experience can, after all, feel completely alien to another’s, and one person’s dream is another person’s nightmare. Logic and instinct aren’t always compatible. You don’t need to waste time justifying your plans, either to yourself or to anyone else this weekend. Your energy is better spent trusting your own instincts. Your latest Moon sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1900 959 005.


The astrologic­al indication­s are clear. You’re doing okay. Actually, you’re on good form and have plenty of blessings to count. If you don’t feel like this is true, this weekend is an ideal time to address the balance between challenge and fun. Yes, life is presenting you with a convoluted path. Yet you’re more than capable of decipherin­g the complex clues and finding your way. Trust the choices you’ve been making and move forwards with a renewed confidence. Your courage will take you to where you need to be. Big changes are due between now and the Full Moon. Call 1900 959 005.


When you peer at a situation as if it were under a microscope, it’s easy to be convinced that a set of circumstan­ces is nearer, larger, and more problemati­c than it really is. This kind of intense focus only serves to distort your perspectiv­e and sense of reality. The best option this weekend is to take a good, hard look at a situation in the cold light of day. Strip away the magnifying lens, the filters, the numerical analyses and, instead, see it as it truly is. Objectivit­y will reveal what you need to do. Your latest Moon sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1900 959 005.


Be thankful for the challenges you’ve come through recently. Looking back, they have acted like stepping stones; whenever they’ve pushed you to think, focus, and strategise, the more effective and appropriat­e your next step has been. You’ve had to learn to prioritise. Rather than glossing over the cracks, you’ve had to courageous­ly accept situations for what they really are. As your ruler moves into your opposite sign the confusion you’ve learned to live with begins to give way to clarity this weekend. Big changes are due between now and the Full Moon. Call 1900 959 005.


Have you begun to feel the benefits of having Venus in your sign? You should be beginning to experience a subtle yet significan­t shift in the level of comfort in your world. Venus heightens the quality of your relationsh­ips and opens and deepens your emotional responses … so there’s potentiall­y more love and reassuranc­e available too. You’re not obliged to keep struggling with confrontin­g situations. Every so often you deserve to have a charmed life. Why not let this start this weekend? Don’t miss your spookily accurate Moon sign forecast! Call 1900 959 005.


When you’re sure about what you want, and confident about why you want it, what’s to stop you from making it happen? Along the way though, you need to keep an eye on the route you’re taking so that you’re well prepared to deal with any obstacles you may need to circumnavi­gate. When you’re determined to succeed, and passionate about your goal, you can be confident of success, no matter what you face. Just make sure you share your ideas with the people who care about you this weekend. Big changes are due between now and the Full Moon. Call 1900 959 005.


When children are studious by nature we say that they have old heads on their shoulders. But, as we grow into maturity, we tend to need to be reminded not to take ourselves too seriously. We need to keep a young head on our older shoulders. Without a sense of humour and an ability to seek out the fun things in life, we become old before our time. Life has blessed you with a good sense of humour. This weekend, if any adventurou­s invitation­s come your way, don’t be too busy to accept. Don’t miss your spookily accurate Moon sign forecast! Call 1900 959 005.


What are we supposed to do when faced with injustice? How can one individual take a stand and make a difference? It’s easy to think that the impact we can make is so insignific­ant that it’s not worth bothering. But even the fact that you take notice means something. On an invisible level, your concerns count. This weekend, as Mercury, the planet of communicat­ion, links with your ruler, you have a chance to stand up for something you care about. You’ll be amazed by the difference you can make. Your latest Moon sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1900 959 005.


Sometimes, the problem isn’t that you’ve grabbed hold of the wrong end of the stick, it’s that you can’t keep hold of it. You seem to be dealing with a particular­ly slippery stick right now, which isn’t behaving as you’d like. Just when you think you know what to do with it, it morphs into something else. Yet you’re adaptable and determined. Even if it turns out that you have your stick by the wrong end, it’s a helpful device which you can use to your advantage. Stop worrying about whether you’re doing the right thing. You are! Don’t miss your spookily accurate Moon sign forecast! Call 1900 959 005.


It’s worth taking a moment to remind yourself that what you’re working towards is a tricky, challengin­g and complex goal. Most other individual­s faced with a similar task would throw up their hands, declare it impossible, and walk away. So, are you mad to be fighting your corner with such conviction? Of course not. You’re extraordin­arily brave. As you well know, nothing is ever impossible in this universe of ours; but it can sometimes feel like hard work. Remember that success is seldom won without a battle. Your latest Moon sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1900 959 005.


If you’ve come here hoping for good news, I don’t want to disappoint you. Yet, there’s so much uncertaint­y hanging in the air. If you believe what you read, nothing’s going to get better for the foreseeabl­e future. Well, at least that’s what the ‘experts’ tell us. So do we need to carefully ration optimism, joy, happiness and hope over the coming months? No! Ignore the doom-mongers this weekend! With Mercury moving into your sign, good news is winging its way to you this at this very moment. Big changes are due between now and the Full Moon. Call 1900 959 005.

 ??  ?? Mercury moves on from an encouragin­g link with Mars to make a connection with Uranus, before entering Pisces this weekend, filling the skies with cosmic inspiratio­n. Uranus represents electrifyi­ng change while Mars brings courage and initiative. This cosmic cocktail suggests that it’s important to act quickly rather than take time to reflect and explain. It’s often easier to ask for forgivenes­s rather than for permission. But as long as actions are heartfelt and well-meaning, there’ll be nothing to apologise for.
Mercury moves on from an encouragin­g link with Mars to make a connection with Uranus, before entering Pisces this weekend, filling the skies with cosmic inspiratio­n. Uranus represents electrifyi­ng change while Mars brings courage and initiative. This cosmic cocktail suggests that it’s important to act quickly rather than take time to reflect and explain. It’s often easier to ask for forgivenes­s rather than for permission. But as long as actions are heartfelt and well-meaning, there’ll be nothing to apologise for.

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