The Gold Coast Bulletin


Whinging warmist zombies will be death of our economy


Box 1, Southport 4215 EMAIL: FACEBOOK:­ulletin OUR crazy climate cult has seen both “Mister Misfire Morrison” get into bed with “Mister SnakeOil Shorten” and squander Australia’s wonderful natural energy resources, coal, gas and uranium.

And Snowy 2.0 is a Turnbull crock. We will all soon pay the piper as our economy nosedives and our monthly bills skyrocket.

It must be understood that, when brainwashe­d warmists arc up, they do not realise airborne weevils have gobbled up their brain cells. But they think they are OK, just like lurching zombies think they are sort of still alive.

So it is with our frenzied global warming holy-men as they preach fire and brimstone and point accusing fingers at nonbelieve­rs. And now they bully companies and media to toe their line.

They do not believe that the climate has always changed, with past eons of ice-ages and heating, as our tilted planet trundles on its elongated path around the bubbling sun. They think all the nasty stuff happened after the coalpowere­d industrial revolution.

The Neandertha­ls could have told you if it was a bit chillier than usual when Scotland was under a kilometre of ice. They knew about climate change and that it was nothing to do with all the factories, or coal, or their cars.

Only madmen would not want to restrict nasty pollution and reduce foul emissions where possible, with balance in our economy and wellbeing. We must do what we can, but Australia is cutting its own throat for no real benefit to the world or ourselves if we kowtow and throw our money into the “le grand” Paris incinerato­r.

Our posturing politician­s must have the fortitude to say “no means no” to these global hucksters. The sad thing is that whatever pain Australia suffers, it will make zero difference as the rest of the world, especially India and China, power up.

Rural Aussies with their essential utes and farm machinery and supply needs will be hit harder with renewable quotas than inner-city whining warmists, mainly using their cars for shopping or ferrying fat kids around. Farmers who grow stuff for us and our exports, will suffer.

Soon angry duped children will be waving their Little Green Books at their wayward parents, having dobbed them in for turning up the air conditione­r. “The future belongs to us!” kiddies will chant, gleefully dancing around piles of burning scientific books with transfixed faces, holding aloft placards made by their teachers, books you will not hear on ABC podcasts.

The sooner we develop nuclear power the better. Do not think Genghis Xi and his hordes are not watching Australia’s foolish fandangos, especially if economic ratbags Labor get their hands on the wheel, with the greenies pouring sand into the engine. Buy a cow, buy some chooks, buy a fur coat, buy a bicycle. Hide money. Survive.

Our politician­s have betrayed us, with their vote-chasing folly. Bizarrely, only Cory, Pauline and Barnaby are making sense.

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