The Gold Coast Bulletin




Our heads and our hearts don’t always communicat­e as well as we’d like; it’s as if they sometimes speak different languages. Although hearts are wise, they’re no good at logic. And heads might be logical, but that’s no guarantee of wisdom. No wonder they sometimes try to undermine each other in an attempt to get what they want. They create diversions, or dream up situations which muddle emotions, or cause moments of forgetfuln­ess. What feels like an oversight this weekend is, in fact, a blessing.

The Supermoon Equinox fills the sky with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

In today’s Informatio­n Age, the satnavs and internet maps we’ve come to rely on, need constant updating. With new roads under constructi­on, and old ones being demolished, it’s hard to keep track of the best way to go. Even revisiting an old haunt from a couple of years back can prove frustratin­g and challengin­g. Could your inner navigation system do with a reboot, too? A failed past attempt has left you feeling as if an entire area is out-of-bounds. There’s no reason for that to be true.

The Supermoon Equinox fills the sky with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

You know that resolution you made a couple of months ago? How’s it been going? Are you currently castigatin­g yourself because circumstan­ces wouldn’t allow you to turn a particular dream into a reality? Or are you smugly satisfied with your success? Either reaction, in truth, is extreme. The year is still fresh. You’ve still got hundreds of opportunit­ies to get it right … or wrong. This weekend though, it should be enough to know that the people who matter most believe in you. Have faith in their faith.

The Supermoon Equinox fills the sky with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

Gyms have always seemed a little counterint­uitive to me. People run or cycle miles and miles without ever going anywhere. Then, they get so overheated they need airconditi­oning to cool them down. Huge amounts of electricit­y are fed into machines that, were they only wired differentl­y, could actually be generating power! It all seems slightly illogical. Something, somewhere in your world, now looks ridiculous. Yet, this weekend, if you view it from another angle, it makes perfect sense. The Supermoon Equinox brings hope. For inspiring news, call 1900 959 005.


Mercury, the ruler of your sign is retracing its steps and forming powerful links in the sky today, and over the weekend. As it connects with Jupiter, first, and then Pluto, there are several interpreta­tions that can be made. It suggests that you have the right to allow yourself to relax a little. You don’t have to fight quite so hard to achieve what you need to achieve. You don’t need to worry as much as you have been. And, if someone’s demands are too high, you can subtly let them know. The Supermoon Equinox brings hope. For inspiring news, call 1900 959 005.


As entreprene­urs send capsules into space, and scientific advances force us to rethink our ideas about the nature of the universe, maybe those experts will be able to shed some understand­ing on how the ancient practice of astrology works! Meanwhile, this weekend, with your ruler in your sign, having been freshly empowered on its journey, you’ll be given fresh reasons to retain your belief in what once seemed to be a farfetched idea. Something that once seemed impossible is not. The Supermoon Equinox brings hope. For inspiring news, call 1900 959 005.


In polite society, social niceties can create the most ridiculous protocols. Before a meeting, pleasant exchanges of ‘how are you’ occur, with no one expecting to hear an honest reply. Once the agenda has been set out, and the niceties disposed with, the psychologi­cal battles can commence. ‘Fine thanks’ is the acceptable response in such situations. Yet, as the Sun links to your retrograde ruler, you’d be wise to find out how someone is really doing before going ahead with this weekend’s discussion. The Supermoon Equinox fills the sky with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.


Here’s the contract. There’s your signature, scrawled in what looks a lot like red ink, on the dotted line. It’s right there next to the signature that looks an awful lot like a spiked tail and pair of horns. The only possible conclusion is that you’ve done a deal with the devil. You haven’t? Really? Then, I suppose, there’s no reason to fear life-changing repercussi­ons - or an obligation to spend the rest of your days making sacrifices to atone for your past mistakes. Don’t be so hard on yourself this weekend. The Supermoon Equinox fills the sky with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.


Imagine, for a second, that you’re trekking through the desert. You’re impossibly tired and unbearably thirsty; so, when you come across a dusty pool of water, you throw aside the considerab­le health and safety issues and, because it’s certainly better than nothing, start to drink. As you glance up, you see a clear, bubbling stream gushing in the near distance. Don’t be tempted to make such a mistake this weekend. Though giving in might be appealing, you’re nearer to your goal than you know. The Supermoon Equinox fills the sky with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.


Before your birth, when you were in spirit form, with the cosmos as your playground, you were given choices to make. Which planet would you like to explore? What kind of body would you like to inhabit? Why then, did you choose the particular life that you’re dealing with now? Surely it wasn’t because of all the challenges, the stresses, the struggles and uncertaint­ies? I didn’t think so! You came here for those joyful times, which are the best on offer in the universe. Are you ready for one of those? The Supermoon Equinox brings hope. For inspiring news, call 1900 959 005.


One of the reasons you’re so generous about sharing your knowledge and advice is that you don’t like seeing people wasting their time. Yet sometimes, we need to be given the space to find things out the hard way. We learn best from making our own mistakes. This weekend, as a situation grows more and more complex, you may have to wait for everyone involved to reach such a point before you can look for a different way to proceed. Mercury’s link with your ruler suggests that such a time is nigh. The Supermoon Equinox brings hope. For inspiring news, call 1900 959 005.


Life forces us to face our fears. There are times in all our lives when we feel as if we’re standing on a precipice and facing the unknown. Such moments often show us the ultimate reality of our existence. They allow us to put our trivial concerns into context, and free us from the daily grind of worries for a while. With all that you’ve been dealing with recently, you have the experience to deal with any challenges that come your way with ease. This weekend, you’ll even have time to relax. The Supermoon Equinox brings hope. For inspiring news, call 1900 959 005.

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