The Gold Coast Bulletin



With Mercury and Neptune almost inseparabl­e this week, we’re in for an extended trip into the realms of the imaginatio­n. We just need to make sure we don’t get so caught up in dreaming that ‘doing’ goes out the window. Today, the Sun, another source of creative expression, links with transforma­tive Pluto bringing insight to tackle complex problems. But that won’t get anyone anywhere if all we do is sit back and admire the ingenuity of the solution! The creativity on offer deserves to be put into action

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Guardian angel or helpful human? Teacher or student? Wealthy or insolvent? It’s not always as easy as we think to make such distinctio­ns. Opposites are always connected. Situations that seem to be definitive and clear-cut can sometimes turn on a sixpence and, with one seemingly insignific­ant change, switch to the polar opposite of where they were. You don’t, of course, think of yourself as a deity. Yet you have powers that are capable of turning something that feels wrong into something perfect today. Change and transforma­tion is possible. For important news, call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Take a coin - any coin - from your pocket and place it carefully on the table. Is the head facing up or down? And is that coin worth more if it’s one way up rather than the other? Obviously not. It’s a coin; its value’s fixed. Besides, it takes no time or effort to flip it over if you prefer the other side. So, let’s focus, instead, on a scenario that’s been making you feel uneasy for some time. Isn’t it possible that there’s an upside to that, too? All you need to find, to turn a tricky situation on its head, is conviction. Change and transforma­tion is possible. For important news, call 1900 959 005.


When kids are grouchy, it’s typically because they’re tired, hungry or thirsty. Of course, a whole range of other reasons, ranging from the psychologi­cal to the utterly extraneous, could also be at work, but we’re certainly never at our best when our basic needs aren’t being met. Kids and grown-ups are both strangely incapable of realising what these needs are. Before you leap to the conclusion that something cataclysmi­c has happened, take a moment to consider the basics. It will make a big difference. Change and transforma­tion is possible. For important news, call 1900 959 005.


Although some folk don’t believe it’s possible to travel through time, there are many stories of people sending themselves messages from the future. It’s possible to do this in reverse too. If you were to think of something that you always want to remember, you can reach forward in time, to the person you will be and remind yourself not to forget. Okay, that probably sounds a bit far-fetched. But, as the Sun links to Pluto today, if you allow your imaginatio­n room to roam, you can do extraordin­ary things. It’s an important week of powerful cosmic activity. For good news, call 1900 959 005.


Once upon a time you were. Then you weren’t. Now, it seems that you are. What’s more, for the foreseeabl­e future, you will be. Most likely, though, eventually, you won’t. This is just how life is! Every single person on the planet goes through this chain of events. We have things and then we have to let them go. It makes you wonder why we take it all so seriously; and why we hold on to our opinions and attitudes so tightly. As the Sun and Pluto link, there’s much to gain from letting something go. It’s an important week of powerful cosmic activity. For good news, call 1900 959 005.


What do we mean by sanity? Does borrowing huge amounts of money to pay for a home or a car fit into this category? How about feeling confident about where we’ve come from and where we’re headed when the truth is that we have no idea? Yet these are respectabl­e convention­s! We do crazy things for crazy reasons all the time. When someone dares to question these ‘normal’ behaviours we think the questioner is being odd. Don’t give up on an option just because other people find it strange. It’s an important week of powerful cosmic activity. For good news, call 1900 959 005.


What separates success from failure? Well, there are a number of possible reasons. You could say ‘perseveran­ce’ … someone who gives up whenever they’re knocked down allows success to slip away, whereas the person who bounces straight back to their feet, ready to try again, will attract another opportunit­y. Still, we shouldn’t overlook the importance of expectatio­ns either. If we take too narrow a view, we can mistake success for failure. Take a look at an old situation with fresh eyes today. Change and transforma­tion is possible. For important news, call 1900 959 005


Just because a situation hasn’t gone to plan doesn’t mean that you don’t have options. You can either cause a scene; or find a way to make it work. You’re more powerful than you realise; but you’ll never be able to harness that power without believing - in yourself first, then in the situation you’re in, and finally, in the people you’re dealing with. That’s not to say that it’s easy. Yet, the power to overturn a challengin­g scenario is within your grasp. The question, is whether it’s worth the price? Change and transforma­tion is possible. For important news, call 1900 959 005.


Is it all right to feel all right? Can you take that risk? Perhaps you’ll be lulled into a false sense that everything is easy. Or something you value will crumble if you dare to push your luck any further. Maybe, considerin­g how much anger, fear and sadness there is in our world, it’s wrong to feel happy. Could your confidence be misplaced? Perhaps. But perhaps not! The only way to ruin the high you’re currently on (and that you so richly deserve) is to allow the niggling voice of doubt to creep in. Change and transforma­tion is possible. For important news, call 1900 959 005.


That glimmer you’re walking towards is definitely a light at the end of a tunnel. The fact that it sometimes resembles the glow of a tiger’s eyes, waiting in the dark is just your imaginatio­n at work. You’ve been riding an emotional rollercoas­ter for some time. Just because you know that you’re well strapped in, doesn’t make the highs and lows easier to handle. You’ve got used to living with a sense of apprehensi­on. Yet you’re being given the power to control your speed now. A difficult journey is ending. It’s an important week of powerful cosmic activity. For good news, call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

Why do we find some ideas attractive and others repellent? The simple answer is that we don’t really know. We might have a theory, but, theories are almost impossible to test out. Instead, we tend to keep our eyes down, and busy ourselves with reacting to situations. The Sun’s link with your ruler, Pluto, indicates that you have a chance to change your approach to a situation you don’t really want to have to deal with. If you overcome your opposition, a positive change will naturally evolve. It’s an important week of powerful cosmic activity. For good news, call 1900 959 005.


Some schools of psychother­apy suggest that we create our own problems. That it’s because of the choices we make that challenges appear, and that although we like to blame other people for our woes, we bring our own troubles into our lives. That seems a rather harsh way of looking at the world. It might be partially true, but it’s certainly not how it is all the time. As the Sun and Pluto link, think about how much sympathy you really need to feel. Be generous, but don’t let anyone take you for granted. It’s an important week of powerful cosmic activity. For good news, call 1900 959 005.

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